
Finance Officer Job Vacancy at People Perfomance Group in Uganda

Job Title: Finance  Officer
People  Performance Group in inviting  qualified  suitable applicants  for the above  vacant post .Tasks
•    Financial  analysis  and assessment  of partiner organizations  and   program and  project proposals
•    Financial  monitoring and  evaluation  of partiner  organizations , program and projects
•    Preparation of purchase  orders in the  project administration.
•    2-3 years of work experience
•    Financial and Administrative  knowledge
•    Knowledge of financial  management  of development organizations, producers organizations  and business initiatives in the  regional  context.
•    Experience working  with databases

How to apply
Please send your  CV  (not more than 3 pages ) and a motivational letter  (not more than  2 pages ) to  All applications  shall be clearly marked; ICCO-FO and no e-mail should exceed  2MB.   Kindly  note that  we are conducting  a global search  and to avoid any  delays related  with postage ,only  e-mail applications  shall  be considered .

Deadline: 29/03/2013


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