
Jobs at Marie Stopes Uganda - Service Providers

Job Title: Service Providers
Marie  Stopes  Uganda  is inviting  and recruiting  qualified   candidates  for the vacant  position above .
Technical Excellence
•    Administer  drugs  prescribed  in the correct dose , the correct  route  and  at the  correct strength for the  client , give injections in a safe manner using  the aseptic  technique.
•    Assist with  Norplant & IUD  insertion, MVA  procedure, Pap smear, Tubal Ligation  and Vasectomy  procedures
•    Provide antenatal , post natal care , emergency  deliveries  (midwives) and  immunization services .
•    Follow  STI  treatment  protocols correctly
•    A Diploma in Nursing  and  Midwifery .
•    Must have  an up to date registration certificate from  a recognized  institution .
•    3 years active  services in a clinical setting
•    Sound knowledge  of Family  Planning  methords.
•    Sound knowledge of  STI  detection, management  and  advice to clients.

How to apply
To apply  please  send  a CV   and  Cover letter  by email   or post  to the  Senior  Manager , People and Development ,  Plot  1020, Kisugu Muyenga ,  P. O. Box  10431, Kampala-Uganda ,  quoting  the position  title .

Deadline: 24 / 05 /2013


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