
National Consultant: Uganda Case Study, Kampala, Uganda Job Vacancy in UN- UNDP

Job Title: National Consultant: Uganda Case Study, Kampala, Uganda
Closing Date: Wednesday, 23 March 2011



Methodological Approach for Country Case Studies on: Extent to which Development Partner support to Decentralization and Local Governance is Harmonized and Aligned with Country Policies and Priorities

The Development Partner Working Group on Decentralization and Local Governance (DPWG-DLG) has requested the support of specific Development Partners to carryout an assessment of the extent to which DP interventions in client countries have supported or hindered efforts to implement decentralization reforms and to strengthen local government systems and local governance in general. The objective of this work is to gain a better understanding of the impact of DP actions in these fields and how DP interventions can better support country policies and contribute to the creation of coherent and effective LG systems.

Three such cases where conducted in 2010 and presented to the annual meeting of the Group in DC in June of last year. The three cases covered Uganda, which was carried out by UNCDF, DRC, which was conducted by the World Bank and Indonesia by USAID. These cases represented a first attempt to carryout such an assessment and the Group agreed that they should be repeated again in 2011 to introduce modification and improve their outputs and scope of focus. In addition to repeating the three cases by the original sponsors (UNCDF, World Bank and USAID), the Group has requested the carrying out of four more cases (Benin, Mozambique, Peru and Ghana) in order to improve the quality of the study through increasing the size of the sample.

Duties and Responsibilities

UNCDF will contract a Uganda based consultant to upgrade the assessment, which has already been conducted in 2010, and to refine its outputs in accordance with the scope outlined below in this TOR.

The case studies will address the following issues:


Relevant Country Context of decentralisation:

In this section, an overview about the trajectory of the decentralisation process and the main features of the process will be given.Special emphasis should be given to (1) the original motivation for decentralization (e.g., as part of a post-conflict solution, transition to democracy, public sector reform, economic reform etc.), (2) development of decentralization reform since its inception (e.g., continuity or discontinuity, possible backlash against decentralization, changing dynamics), (3) contribution of development partners to the design and execution of the decentralization reform.

Political Economy Analysis:

A first sub section will focus on the political and structural drivers of the decentralisation process applying a political economy approach. The consultants will analyse the country context and the most critical motivations behind the decentralisation and local government reform. They will look at the origins of decentralization reforms and justifications for these reforms. Where and from whom did the idea of reform come from?

    * What are the main motivations for the current or planned decentralisation reforms? What are the espoused goals of national decentralization policies and programs? Are they aligned with a "pro-developmental", pro poor growth direction (e.g., national cohesion, macro-fiscal sustainability, service delivery/MDGs, democratic local governance), or are they more contested? Who are the key actors and organisations that are or ideally should be involved in decentralisation? What incentives do they face with respect to decentralisation? Are they likely to support or oppose reform? What is the level of influence of each main actor both in terms of his/her official position via legal or administrative empowerment and through unofficial channels?
    * What other elements of country context are relevant to national decentralization/local government strengthening efforts? For example, persistent conflict, high levels of ethnic, linguistic or secular fractionalization, large inter-regional economic disparities, significant aid dependency of government, weak state capacity (effectiveness or legitimacy), elite capture of the state and/or devolved local governments, etc.?
    * Given the range of actors, their incentives, and their relative levels of power, where are there productive opportunities to engage? What are the specific opportunities, potential benefits, and potential risks associated with supporting decentralisation and local government reforms?

Main features and state of play of the decentralisation process:

    * This sub section will examine the main features of the decentralisation and local government system in each country. It will analyse the degree of advancement in the reform process, the results achieved compared to the specific country objectives, the major problems and bottlenecks.For this sub section, the annex 1 of the "General and Specific Guiding Principles for Enhancing Alignment and Harmonisation on Local Governance and Decentralisation" will be used as a reference for the analysis.
    * In order to make the country studies comparable a set of cross-country benchmark indicators will be presented. See table Annex 1 that is proposing how to display the results. Some of the proposed indicators are:

Institutional set up

    * Tiers of government, grade of de-concentration /devolution.
    * Relevant legal framework.

Political Decentralisation

    * Institutional arrangements for separation of powers among executive, legislative, and judicial bodies at the local level.
    * Existence and quality of local electoral governments.
    * Nature of political party system

- Public and social accountability mechanisms

Administrative Decentralisation

    * Type of assigned competencies to sub national governments.
    * Existing coordination mechanism between government levels.
    * Existing competency conflicts/ coordination between de-concentrated line ministry offices and local governments.

Fiscal decentralisation

    * Assignment of expenditures (profile and trends).
    * Assignment of revenues (composition, type, etc.).
    * Match between expenditure and revenue assignments.
    * % of national budget spent at sub national level (importance of local level).
    * % of own revenues of the total sub national budget (fiscal autonomy).
    * Nature of intergovernmental transfers (open/ closed, conditioned).

Strengths and weaknesses

    * This part should assess the quality and coherence of the reform on paper and the extent to which the framework has been implemented, gaps/weaknesses in implementation and then try to identify the reason for these gaps/weaknesses – political or institutional dynamics, lack of capacity, negative development partner actions or interventions, or other? This should tie the state of development of the LG System to the first part of the assessment (political economy) outlined above.

Legal framework:

    * Do central authorities provide an enabling framework, which outlines and defines the roles and responsibilities of the respective levels within government?
    * How does the legal framework foresee the relationship of the sectors vis-à-vis the decentralised levels in government? Are sectoral legal frameworks aligned to the general decentralization framework?
    * Is the legal framework enforced?

Human and financial resources

    * Are sufficient human and financial resources available to manage and fund the administration and delivery of local public services?
    * Do sub national officials have effective control over human and financial resources or do they act merely as agents of the national government?

Mechanisms for political accountability:

    * Do appropriate and effective upward and downward accountability mechanisms exist?

Institutional arrangements:

    * Who is leading the decentralisation process? Are there central institutional arrangements to steer and implement the decentralisation process?

Key Dimensions of DP Engagement / Aid Modalities:

    * The main objective of this section is to provide a quick overview over the different decentralization interventions by donors and the used aid modalities. This section will also present the evolution of donor support to DLG and the motivations behind donor engagement (historical and political economy analysis of donor interventions). To a less extent, donor interventions in other areas will also be considered in order to determine if some of these interventions went against the decentralisation reform while others may have supported it and were aligned with it.
    * Which development partners support decentralization projects in this country? When did they start their involvement? What has been their financial/technical commitment over time?
    * What is the nature of the current and/or potential decentralisation support of each development partner? What are the motivations for supporting DLG processes and the objectives pursued by DPs?
    * What are the entry points used by DPs in their support to DLG? Does it consist of cross-cutting strengthening of national systems, sectoral engagement, and/or more local level engagement? What are the financing modalities (sector budget support, pool funding, and project approach)? Have they changed over time?How strong is the local presence of the DP in this country? Are decentralization projects managed by the county office or from headquarters?
    * What have been the major results of donor engagement? What have been its major failures/weaknesses? What are the major problems, constraints and difficulties encountered by donors?
    * In what other areas (education, health, food security, etc.) did donors provide support and what were the outcomes/impacts on decentralization and the evolving/resultant system of local government?

The findings from this section will be summarized in a table.

3. The Status of Implementation of the Paris- Accra Process:

    * This section will analyse the degree of implementation of the Paris Declaration in the DLG area. However, it will be important to refer to the comprehensive evaluation process of the Paris Declaration and clearly establish a link between both processes.
    * The section will look at the extent to which donors and beneficiary countries have found ways to increase ownership, used mechanisms to align and harmonise aid, notably as regards to capacity building and fiscal transfers, and used results-based monitoring frameworks and mutual accountability mechanisms. It will also explore the obstacles to harmonisation and alignment faced by the developments partners.
    * The study will use as a reference for the analysis the "General and Specific Guiding Principles for Enhancing Alignment and Harmonisation on Local Governance and Decentralisation". The list of questions below is not exhaustive and may be refined by using the specific guiding principles if needed.


    * Is the government effectively assuming the leading role in the decentralisation process? Is there an articulated government-wide DLG strategy? Does the strategy have high-level government buy-in and consistent support from the relevant government ministries/agencies? And what is the nature of the prevailing institutional dynamics around it?
    * Are donor interventions coherent with the country context and dynamics? Have the constraints and risks of supporting DLG processes been assessed appropriately? Have the specific drivers and incentive structures that move the DLG processes been identified properly and taken into account? If so, how have they influenced donor decisions and approaches to support DLG?
    * Are donors effectively contributing to strengthen country ownership? Are DPs conducting joint analysis and assessments with country partners?How donors have been supporting the role of national stakeholders in preparing, implementing and monitoring decentralisation and local governance reforms (parliaments, national government structures in charge of formulating and implementing decentralisation strategies, local authorities, and civil society)? To what extent do donors support domestic capacity development through existing (government) structures? Are donor approaches to delivering capacity building assistance conducive to better ownership (focus on the demand-side, learning by doing approach)?


    * Given the state of government ownership/leadership (if it exists), is DP engagement aligned to its objectives/vision and strategy? If government leadership is weak (or does not exist), are DP actions coordinated and cumulatively contributing to the development of a coherent DLG approach? Is DP support timely provided given the political context and the degree of advancement in the reform process?
    * Is there an overarching government coordination mechanism for DLG and for the implementation of its Strategy (if one exists)? Is it functional? Is it reasonably representative of all/most relevant government actors? Do DPs utilize and reinforce the coordination mechanism that government has put in place for DLG?
    * To what extent do sector policies and sector support programmes take into account and contribute to reinforcing DLG processes? To what extent does DLG support contribute to promoting better articulation with sector policies? How do these processes mutually reinforce or affect each other negatively?Is aid (for LGD) channelled through the national public finance system? Do donors use partner countries' procurement systems? Isdonor capacity-development support provided through coordinatedprogrammes consistent with partners' national development strategies? How does donor support contributes to strengthening national systems, notably as regards to capacity building and fiscal decentralisation?
    * Is DP support to fiscal decentralisation linked/aligned to general PFM interventions?


    * Given the country context, is donor engagement considered to be coherent? Do donors have significantly different approaches and priorities in engaging on DLG? Are they complementary /coherent or potentially counterproductive? To what extentdo donors coordinate/collaborate in diagnostic work and joint support programmes?
    * Is there any kind of division of labour in the DLG sector implemented amongst DPs? Is there an established development partner coordination mechanism specifically for decentralization and/or local governance? How long has it been in existence? Is it linked to an overarching donor coordination mechanism? Is this mechanism considered to be effective?
    * Do donors have a harmonized approach on capacity building/development?

Managing for Results and mutual Accountability:

    * Are harmonised monitoring and reporting systems in place? To what extent do donors contribute to developing national information systems and performance assessment frameworks of decentralisation and local governance reforms?
    * Are the policies and activities of government (at all levels) and/or development partners transparent to relevant civil society groups?
    * Do representative bodies, judicial institutions, independent media and/or public participation mechanisms enable an acceptable degree of government and/or development partner accountability to citizens? Do/have DP actions reinforced or undermined domestic accountability?
    * Have joint evaluations been carried out (with government or amongst donors)?

The Table under Annex 2 should be used to summarize the findings of this section.

4. Results, key lessons and recommendations:

    * This section will examine how the implementation of the Paris Declaration has contributed to improving aid allocation and making donor engagement more effective, in other words how it has contributed to better relevance, coherence, consistency and increased effectiveness of donor interventions. This section will also identify entry points and make recommendations to improve and make donor engagement in the DLG area more effective.
    * What are the main bottlenecks and major problems encountered by donors in DLG, how to explain and overcome these difficulties?
    * To what extent has each of the five principles of the Paris Declaration been observed and implemented, and the Accra Agenda priorities reflected? What mechanisms have development partners used to align and harmonise aid for decentralisation? To what extent does the implementation of the Paris Declaration principles contribute to overcoming difficulties encountered by donors and improving aid effectiveness and development results?What has been the added value of the Paris Declaration compared with the pre-Paris Declaration situation? Is there evidence of better ways to make aid more effective and contribute more to development results? What are the limits of the Paris Declaration principles? How can encountered difficulties be overcome and what can be done better? What are the key messages?
    * How have DPs responded to the prevailing political and institutional dynamics in the country? To what extent was the response appropriate? Was donor support consistent with the country context? How has donor support influenced the DLG process? Have assumptions and risks of engaging in DLG been properly identified and assessed? Which critical elements need to be considered before engaging in support to decentralisation and local governance processes?
    * How can donors promote and facilitate better ownership of reforms by partner countries? What can be done to facilitate a national consensus on decentralisation and how to develop it? What should we do when there is weak leadership at government level? In this case, should support for decentralisation be considered and how?
    * To what extent development partner's actions that focus on decentralization and local governance are harmonized and aligned with national policy and objectives? What kind of processes and practical steps need to be put in place in order for external assistance to be better aligned with the country context and dynamics?How to combine and reconcile different and heterogeneous objectives and what are the trade-offs?
    * To what extent are DP's actions in other relevant areas such as PFM, CSR, Sectors (SWAps) harmonized and aligned with decentralization and LG policy? How to ensure in concrete terms better consistency between decentralisation processes and other crosscutting reforms (PFM, CSR) and sector strategies that have an impact on local governments (both at central government and donor level)?

5. Key References / Background Studies (published & unpublished):

    * The consultant shall refer to all documents relevant to decentralization, local governance and local government system development in Uganda. A list shall be agreed to once contract is issued.

6. Specific presentation deliverables:

    * The consultant shall produce the case in a report format to be aligned with the structure of the TOR above. A PPT presentation should also be derived from the report for presentation at the 2011 annual meeting of the DPWG, which will take place in Brussels from the 18th to the 20th of May.

7. Time allocation for the study:

    * 20 workdays will be allocated for the study to be utilized during March and April and to be concluded by the 30th of April


    * Focuses on impact and results for the client and responds positively to feedback;
    * Ability to identify client's needs and appropriate solutions;
    * Ability to establish and maintain productive partnerships with clients;
    * Plans and prioritizes work activities to meet organizational goals and organize and oversee work processes efficiently to achieve quality results;
    * Communicates clearly and convincingly.

Required Skills and Experience


    * Masters degree in planning, local development, and/or other relevant fields.


    * Minimum 10 years of related experience. In-depth understanding of decentralization, local governance and local government systems and an advanced appreciation of and experience with the Uganda case, its local government system and its performance towards local development.


    * Proficiency in written and spoken English.

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

To apply

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Uganda. Job Vacancy- Career

Job Title Program Associate-RH a
Org: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Uganda.

Are you passionate about advancing Reproductive Health and Rights, Gender Equality, and Population & Development? Are you ready for the challenge?

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is looking for professionals with management and substantive experience in advancing development programs in the area of Reproductive Health in its 2010-2014 country Programme.

You will be part of a dynamic effort in Assisting UNFPA in leading on advice and support to the Government of Uganda, National Alliances and Networks in Civil Society, Cultural and Faith based organizations.

You will need 3-5 years of proven experience in programme/project management in the public or private sector, Subscribing to the values of the United Nations is essential and knowledge about how the United Nations works will be an advantage.

You will be someone who is a self starter, able to see through initiatives and bring energy, drive, ideas and innovation to the work of UNFPA in Uganda. You will be a person who works well in a multi disciplinary setting, across different sectors and management levels. You should have a track record of achieving results, a believer in teamwork and a strong communicator.

You will be skilled in partnership and networking, including with the media.

A full job description of the post can be accessed on the website

Email applications

1. Should be sent to

2. Applications should be less than 10MB. (This includes the Cover letter and the P11 Form).

3. The subject of the email should clearly reflect the position you are applying for and include your full names.

Deadline for applications: 25th March, 2011.

UNFPA provides a work environment that reflects the values of gender equality, teamwork, respect for diversity, integrity, and a healthy work life balance.

NOTE: There is no application processing or other fee at any stage of the application process. UNFPA does not solicit or screen for information in respect of HIV or AIDS and does not discriminate on the basis of HIV/AIDS status.

Patient Interviewer Jobs Vacancies at Infectious Diseases Institute (Nine positions)

Job Title: Patient Interviewer (Nine positions)
Duration: 12 months
Duty station: Any of the 9 projects STATUS sites in mid western Uganda
Reports to: Site Coordinator

Job summary:
• Collect Project STATUS information from eligible and consenting OPD patients and healthcare providers
• Organize Project STATUS logo bag with study materials for each of the study days
• Screen patients for interview eligibility and consent eligible patients
• Complete Interviewer fields in OPD Daily Log, review and correct any incomplete or hard-to-read marks on questionnaire forms
Check in with Site Coordinator and debrief regularly as required

Job requirement

Job requirements:
• Bachelor's degree in a relevant field. Experienced nurses who possess additional training in HIV/ AIDS counselling will be considered.
• At least one year's relevant work experience in a medical/research clinical setting.
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
• Good interviewing skills
• The ability to consistently complete multiple requests in a timely fashion
• Strong written and verbal communication skills
• Ability to work independently to complete many tasks simultaneously to meet strict deadlines
• Any other duties as assigned by the Site Coordinator

How to apply

For all the positions above, study staff are expected to work as a team and frequently communicate and check in with the Site Coordinator

Compensation for all the above positions will be commensurate with training and experience.

To Apply:
Qualified and interested persons who wish to apply may hand-deliver, email or post an application letter with a detailed CV, naming at least two professional referees, to:

The Human Resource Manager
Infectious Diseases Institute
P.O. Box 22418, Kampala.

Deadline for receipt of applications is 28th March 2011.

Time Motion Observer Job Vacancy in Uganda at Infectious Diseases Institute

Job Title: Time Motion Observer
Duration: 10 months
Duty station: Any of the 9 project supported sites in mid Western Uganda
Midwestern Uganda
Reports to: Site Coordinator

Job summary:
• Follow and track eligible and consenting study participants as they move through OPD services
• Consent patients as required
• Follow patients and record times on Time Motion Form
• Review and correct any incomplete or hard-to-read marks on forms
• Give all completed forms to Data Abstractor
• Any other duties as assigned by the Site Coordinator

Job requirement

Job requirements:
• Bachelor's degree in a relevant field
• At least one year relevant work experience in a health research setting
• Training in research related procedures
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
• The ability to consistently complete multiple requests in a timely fashion
• Strong written and verbal communication skills
• Ability to work independently to complete many tasks simultaneously to meet strict deadlines

How to apply

For all the positions above, study staff are expected to work as a team and frequently communicate and check in with the Site Coordinator

Compensation for all the above positions will be commensurate with training and experience.

To Apply:
Qualified and interested persons who wish to apply may hand-deliver, email or post an application letter with a detailed CV, naming at least two professional referees, to:

The Human Resource Manager
Infectious Diseases Institute
P.O. Box 22418, Kampala.

Deadline for receipt of applications is 28th March 2011.

Infectious Diseases Institute Jobs Vacancies -Data Manager Job Opportunity

Job Title: Data Manager
Duly station: Kampala, with frequent travels to the nine project STATUS sites in mid western Uganda,
Duration: 22 months
Reports to: Country Coordinator

Job Summary: Manage the receipt, review, cleaning and storage of data collected from 9 OPD sites as well as data transfer processes within the country and to Westat data management team

Job requirement

Job requirements:
• Bachelor's degree in Statistics (Bstat), Bachelor of Science in Statistics (Bsc. Stat), Bachelors degree in Quantitative Economics (Bsc QE), Bachelors in Computer Science or Bachelors degree in any other relevant field
• A minimum of two years relevant work experience
• Experience with working in a health research setting
• Outstanding computer skills, including advanced abilities in spreadsheets, general computer use; knowledge of MS Excel, Word and other common software programs, including Epi info is essential
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills; strong writing skills are essential
• Knowledge of general office practices and procedures particularly in filing, gathering and compiling information
• Ability to consistently complete multiple requests in a timely fashion; ability to be creative in finding solutions to challenges

Required skills:
• Strong written and verbal communication skills
• Ability to work independently with minimal supervision to complete many tasks simultaneously to meet strict deadlines

How to apply

For all the positions above, study staff are expected to work as a team and frequently communicate and check in with the Site Coordinator

Compensation for all the above positions will be commensurate with training and experience.

To Apply:
Qualified and interested persons who wish to apply may hand-deliver, email or post an application letter with a detailed CV, naming at least two professional referees, to:

The Human Resource Manager
Infectious Diseases Institute
P.O. Box 22418, Kampala.

Deadline for receipt of applications is 28th March 2011.

Data Assistant Job Vacancy at Infectious Diseases Institute- Career

Job title: Data Assistant
Duration: 14 months
Duty station: Kampala, with frequent travels to Project
STATUS sites in Midwestern Uganda
Reports to: Data Manager
Job Summary: Support Data Manager in receiving, reviewing, cleaning and storing data collected from 9 OPD sites

Job requirement

Job requirements: Degree in Information Technology, information systems or computer science with at least two years experience in data management. Must be highly proficient in Microsoft word, Excel, Access, power point. Knowledge of Epi Info is an added advantage. Experience with working in a health research setting
• Outstanding experience in general computer use; knowledge of MS Excel, and other common software programs is essential
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills; strong writing skills are essential
• Ability to consistently complete multiple requests in a timely fashion.
• Strong written and verbal communication skills
• Ability to work independently to complete many tasks simultaneously to meet strict deadlines

How to apply

For all the positions above, study staff are expected to work as a team and frequently communicate and check in with the Site Coordinator

Compensation for all the above positions will be commensurate with training and experience.

To Apply:
Qualified and interested persons who wish to apply may hand-deliver, email or post an application letter with a detailed CV, naming at least two professional referees, to:

The Human Resource Manager
Infectious Diseases Institute
P.O. Box 22418, Kampala.

Deadline for receipt of applications is 28th March 2011.

Senior Finance Officer -Sun Systems Job Vacancy at World Vision Uganda

Job Title: Senior Finance Officer -Sun Systems

World Vision Uganda is a Christian Relief, Development and Advocacy Non-Governmental Organization dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice in over 27 districts of Uganda.

Job Title: Senior Finance Officer -Sun Systems
Duty Station : National Office
Reports to : Finance Manager

Maintain the organization’s financial database and related systems in accordance with WVU and Global Centre established standardized systems

Major Responsibilities
• Support new and existing users of the Sun systems Financial Database
• Manage modification and updates to the Sun system Centralized Database, Chart of Accounts, Account Creation, Sun Backup, Access and Authorization Management
• Guide the Finance team in the Monthly /Quarterly Reports preparation
• Build capacity of users by providing on job training in Sun system/Vision Advanced Excel
• Oversee and ensure Sun systems Server maintenance

Job requirement

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
• Must have a University Degree/Post graduate degree in Accounting
• Strong accounting and financial management skills
• Must have good working knowledge of computerized accounting systems particularly Sun systems and Vision
• Minimum of 3 years managerial experience on Finance Management both on Grants and Sponsorship

How to apply

How to apply:
Interested persons who meet the above criteria should submit their applications together with an updated CV and copies of academic transcripts (only) with at least three suitable referees with their telephone contact to; or hand deliver to the address below (Please indicate on envelope the position you are applying for)

Human Resource Manager,
World Vision Uganda,
Plot 15 B Nakasero Road,
P.0. Box 5319, Kampala

Deadline for receiving the applications is: 23rd March, 2011.

Jobs Vacancies at World Vision Uganda - Human Resource Officers

World Vision Uganda is a Christian Relief, Development and Advocacy Non-Governmental Organization dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice in over 27 districts of Uganda.

Job title: Human Resource Officers
Duty station: Eastern Region
Role of the Position
To support the strategic direction of the Eastern Uganda; Regional operations through the implementation of the HR strategic plan, programs and policies that is necessary to maintain a healthy human resource.

Key Result Areas
• To manage timely and quality recruitment and selection process at the Region
• Support the Performance Management system in line with the Organization system
• Management of the HR Information of the Region
• Work with the head office to manage Staff Benefits and welfare
• Provide technical support in the management of Staff relations within the region
• Reporting - Prepare and submit Regional HR reports and other briefs to Team Leader and the HR Manager.

Job requirement

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
•First Degree or Post Graduate qualification in Human Resource Management, Business Management, Organizational Development. Organizational Psychology or other related.
• Extensive experience in Human Resource Management for a minimum of 3 years in a large busy organization.
• Experience in managing the HR function of the organization.
• Knowledge of normal organizational policies, labour law and legal requirements
• Good skills in conflict resolution/problem solving, teamwork, crisis management, training facilitation and coaching.
• Experience in working in a multi- cultural environment.
• High level .of commitment and working with minimal supervision.

How to apply

How to apply:
Interested persons who meet the above criteria should submit their applications together with an updated CV and copies of academic transcripts (only) with at least three suitable referees with their telephone contact to; or hand deliver to the address below (Please indicate on envelope the position you are applying for)

Human Resource Manager,
World Vision Uganda,
Plot 15 B Nakasero Road,
P.0. Box 5319, Kampala

Deadline for receiving the applications is: 23rd March, 2011.

Jobs Vacancies at World Vision Uganda -Program Manager Christian

World Vision Uganda is a Christian Relief, Development and Advocacy Non-Governmental Organization dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice in over 27 districts of Uganda.

Job title: Program Manager Christian
Commitments and Church Partnerships
Reports to : Director, Ministry Quality
Duty Station : National Office
Location : Kampala

Purpose of position:
To provide leadership to the Christian Commitments (CC) department and management of Church Partnerships in accordance with the World Vision Uganda Christian Commitments Strategy and Church Partnerships guidelines

Major Responsibilities
• Manage and supervise Christian Commitments Staff in quality programme development management and implementation
• Manage and coordinate the implementation of the Church Capacity building project activities
• Develop annual plans and budgets for the CC unit and the Church Capacity Building Project
• Identify and build strategic linkages, relations, collaborations and networks with church and Faith Based Organizations and other stakeholders in planning, implementation, policy influencing and advocacy.
• Identify potential funding for enhancing CC work and develop proposals
• Facilitate effective monitoring, documentation and reporting in compliance with agreed organizational standards.
• Oversee the implementation of the CC strategy
• Oversee implementation of the church partnerships guidelines

Job requirement

Knowledge Skills and Abilities
• Must have a university Degree in Development Studies or related field,
• Must have at least 5 years' experience in community development.
• Must have at least 5 years' experience of Project management
• Must have at least 3 years' experience in working with Christian faith based organizations
• Must have good analytical and problem solving skills.
• Excellent command "of the English language, both written and spoken
• Knowledge of financial and human resource management
• Must be able to communicate in a cross cultural environment

How to apply

How to apply:
Interested persons who meet the above criteria should submit their applications together with an updated CV and copies of academic transcripts (only) with at least three suitable referees with their telephone contact to; or hand deliver to the address below (Please indicate on envelope the position you are applying for)

Human Resource Manager,
World Vision Uganda,
Plot 15 B Nakasero Road,
P.0. Box 5319, Kampala

Deadline for receiving the applications is: 23rd March, 2011.

Parts Manager Job Vacancy at Spear Motors Ltd- Uganda

Our Clients Spear Motors Ltd founded in 1973, is a medium sized company ,the franchise holder for Mercedes Benz,Chrysler,Jeep,Dodge,Great wall Motors in Uganda. It has experience in the motor vehicle industry that is sales service of cars and commercial vehicles (Light and Heavy)

Job title: Parts Manager

Position Scope
Reporting to the Managing Director, the successful candidate will have overall responsibility for the management of the Parts department through supervising, controlling monitoring and evaluation of work done and developing new parts business.

Key Responsibilities will include:
• Maintaining a balanced inventory consistent with the requirements of the service department
• Ensuring proper storage of the parts using the necessary equipment as per the company guidelines
• Maintaining an effective sales group for the reception of parts orders and timely delivery of supplies to the workshop and customers.
• Overseeing purchasing of supplies and materials for the workshop and ensuring that all purchases are properly accounted for before payment is made .
• Ensuring that customer complaints are handled in a timely and appropriate manner

Job requirement

Minimum Qualifications, experience and skills:
• A University Degree/Diploma in relevant field
• CIPS qualification is an added advantage.
• At least 5 years experience in automotive parts sales and management
• Experience in inventory management
• Excellent Computer skills. (Knowledge of Automate system will be an added advantage)
Ability to manage staff with good administrative planning skills

How to apply

If you believe you fit the required profile, please write in confidence to the address below by close of business 31 March 2011.Please provide a cover letter and curriculum vitae that contains details of your qualifications, experience and present position as well as copies of professional/Academic certificates. Include day and evening telephone numbers, email address, names and address of three references to;
People and Change,
1Colville Street
P.O Box 882 Kampala, Uganda

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted

Jobs vacancy at Spear Motors Ltd

Our Clients Spear Motors Ltd founded in 1973, is a medium sized company ,the franchise holder for Mercedes Benz,Chrysler,Jeep,Dodge,Great wall Motors in Uganda. It has experience in the motor vehicle industry that is sales service of cars and commercial vehicles (Light and Heavy)

Job title: Service Manager
Position Scope
Reporting to the Managing Director, the successful candidate will have overall responsibility for the

Key Responsibilities will include:
• Keeping an inventory of all vehicles in the workshop, ensuring accurate recording of parts service times, job costing and invoicing in the service department assets are controlled and used effectively to complete customer repairs within time expectations
• Maintaining daily workshop timekeeping and labour productivity records to monitor the effective use of the mechanics and other productive labour
• Directing, managing and developing workshop employees and ensure safety standards are adhered to
• Developing a detailed business plan for the workshop
• Monitoring workshop income and expenditure and making necessary recommendations
• Establishing and maintaining good and regular contacts with customers acknowledge their complaints and rectify them in a timely and appropriate manner
• Liaising with Parts department for spare parts requirements and issuance
• Liaising with workshop accounts section to ensure that payments for services rendered are made promptly.

Job requirement

Qualifications, Skills and experience required
• Five years experience in the same position with a recognized car dealership (Mercedes Benz is an added advantage) and up to date knowledge of vehicle design, manufacture and trade practices
• Excellent Managerial, leadership and supervisory skills
• Excellent communication skills
• Experience in handling staff welfare, performance and capacity building.

How to apply

If you believe you fit the required profile, please write in confidence to the address below by close of business 31 March 2011.Please provide a cover letter and curriculum vitae that contains details of your qualifications, experience and present position as well as copies of professional/Academic certificates. Include day and evening telephone numbers, email address, names and address of three references to;
People and Change,
1Colville Street
P.O Box 882 Kampala, Uganda

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted

Jobs vacancy at Spear Motors Uganda Limited

Job title: Senior Accountant
Position scope
The Senior Accountant will report to the Finance and Administration Manager, and the role is to assist the Finance and Administration Manager to manage the financial information and produce reports required to make timely and accurate strategic decisions.

Key Responsibilities will include:
• Ensuring that accounting policies, procedures and practices are followed and updating of the Account's procedure manual
• Preparing the monthly and annual budgets, giving guidance to heads of department on how to prepare their departmental budgets, and consolidating them into the overall company operating and capital budgets
• Preparing accurate and timely monthly budget
• Preparing timely monthly cash flow statements, statutory accounts, management accounts and all the necessary end of year financial schedules and submitting them to the Finance and Admin Manager
• Preparing period creditors' ageing analysis and outstanding balances are supported by invoices,
• Preparing payment vouchers and ensuring timely payment of creditors
• Preparing the payroll with all associated costs, including PAVE, and NSSF and ensures timely submission of returns
• Monitoring the process of acquisition, custody, management, sage and disposal of organization assets by maintaining the company's fixed assets register and maintaining documents for asset disposal
• Preparing Jour al vouchers and posting manual receipt
• Preparing monthly bank reconciliation statements for all bank accounts.

Job requirement

Qualifications and skills Requirements
• A professional Qualification (ACCA, CPA)
• A bachelor of Commerce or Business Administration degree
• Five years accounting experience, three of which should have been obtained after attaining relevant professional accounting certification (ACCA, CPA, etc.)
• High Level of computer literacy.

How to apply

If you believe you fit the required profile, please write in confidence to the address below by close of business 31 March 2011.Please provide a cover letter and curriculum vitae that contains details of your qualifications, experience and present position as well as copies of professional/Academic certificates. Include day and evening telephone numbers, email address, names and address of three references to;
People and Change,
1Colville Street
P.O Box 882 Kampala, Uganda

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted

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