
Accounts Assistant Jobs at Mandella National Stadium Limited in Uganda

Job Title: Accounts  Assistant 
Mandella National  Stadium  Limited  is recruiting  qualified candidates  for the vacant position above.
•    Implement  and  maintain  stock  and cash  controls
•    Maintain  and  reconcile  the general  ledger
•    Prepare  cash  book  and reconcile  bank  statements
•    University  degree  with  specifications in  accounting , Possession  of  part  qualification of  ACCA, CPA is an added advantage
•    A minimum  of two  years experience  in a busy accounting  office  with  a reputable  organization.
•    Knowledge  of accounting  applications such  as  ERP Tally

How to apply
Interested  candidates  should  deliver  their applications  to the  address  below;
Human  Resource  and Administration  Manager
Mandela  National  Stadium  Limited
Plot  No.  3391
P. O. Box  24072, Kampala

Deadline: 22/ 07 /2013

Internal Auditor Job Vacancy at Mandella National Stadium Limited in Uganda

Job Title:  Internal Auditor
Mandella National  Stadium  Limited  is recruiting  qualified candidates  for the vacant position above.
•    Ensuring  that  the  Stadiums  Internal  Audit  Charter  is developed and implemented  in accordance  with relevant  status  and  regulations .
•     Ensuring that  Internal  Audit  Strategies  and Annual  Audit  Plans  are  developed , implemented and monitored  in line with internal  Audit  and Finance and Audit  Committee  Charters .
•    B  Com/BBA/BSc  (Auditing or  Accounting  Major  )  or their equivalent  from  a recognized  university
•    Part  or full qualification of Internationally Recognized  Professional  Accounting  or Auditing  Body   CIA ACCA , CPA, CA ETC.

•    A minimum  of three  years  experience  in auditing  gained  while  working  with  a reputable  auditing  firm  or public  or private   commercial  or donor  funded  organization.

How to apply
Interested  candidates  should  deliver  their applications  to the  address  below;
Human  Resource  and Administration  Manager
Mandela  National  Stadiium  Limited
Plot  No.  3391
P. O. Box  24072, Kampala

Deadline: 22/ 07 /2013

Jobs at Schlumberger in Uganda - Testing Specialist Supervisor

Job Title: Surface  Testing  Specialist  Supervisor
Schlumberger  is recruiting  qualified  candidates  for the vacant position above .
•    Problem solving
•    Project management skills
•    Excellent oral and written  communication  skills
•    Customer oriented
•    Understanding of  and  practice  of the  principles  of Quality  Management .
•    Mechanical  engineering  degree  or    related  discipline
•    Minimum  3  years  experience  in the  oil  field  sector
•    Must  have  experience  in running  Surface Testing  jobs .

How to apply
Please send  only  a CV  and application  letter  merged  into  one  document  to  email  address :

Deadline: 22/07 /2013

Jobs at Schlumberger in Uganda - TCP/DST Supervisor

Job Title:  TCP/DST   Supervisor

Schlumberger  is recruiting  qualified  candidates  for the vacant position above .
•    Problem  Solving   skills
•    Project Management  skills
•    Customer  oriented
•    Understanding  of and  practice   of the principles  of  Quality  Management

•    Bachelors  degree  in Mechanical  engineering  or related  discipline .
•    Minimum  5 years  experience  in the  oil  field  sector
•    Experience  in supervising  DST/TCP  is a Must .

How to apply
Please send  only  a CV  and application  letter  merged  into  one  document  to  email  address :

Deadline: 22/07 /2013

Senior Accountant Jobs at Protecting Families against HIV/AIDS in Uganda

Job Title: Senior Accountant

 Protecting Families  against  HIV/AIDS    (PREFA)  is an  indigene nous Non-Governmental Organization  NGO that was formed  to contribute to  Uganda’s efforts in enhancing  access  to quality.

Key Result Areas
•    Preparation   and  presentation  of annual project budgets  to  accompany  related  work  plans
•    Monitoring   of the allocation  of project income  and experience .

•    B Com  or  BBA  (Accounting), or any other  relevant  discipline from  a recognized  institution .
•    Professional  qualification  , ACCA, CPA or  CIMA  is a  must.
•    Added  qualification; Masters in  management 

How to apply
Interested  candidates  should  send a  current  detailed  CV, application  letter  , copies  of testimonials  and certificates  and  3  references  with telephone contact to;
The  Executive  Director
Protecting  Families against  HIV/AIDS (PREFA)
Plot  71  Llinthuli Avenue Bugolobi,
P. O. Box  25769, Kampala , Uganda

Deadline: 19/ 07 /2013

Jobs at Protecting Families against HIV/AIDS in Uganda - Program Manager

Job Title: Program Manager
Protecting Families  against  HIV/AIDS    (PREFA)  is an  indigene nous Non-Governmental Organization  NGO that was formed  to contribute to  Uganda’s efforts in enhancing  access  to quality.
Key Result Areas
•    Overall  coordination of  respective  PREFA   programs and  to ensure  effective  implementation  of program  activities  and attainment  of desired results .
•    Provide technical  support  to the  program team.
•    A well motivated  and skilled  program team  in place  to provide high  quality  eMTCT  services .
•    Operational  plans  and budgets   and standard operating  procedures are in place  for program  implementation.
•    Minimum  qualification  ; Medical   Degree  and Masters  Degree  in Public  Health .
•    A t least  2  years of experience  in team  management .
•    Practical  experience  working  with  partiners  at  district  and community  level  in HIV/AIDS  work
•    Strong skills  in Management  and Networking

How to apply
Interested  candidates  should  send a  current  detailed  CV, application  letter  , copies  of testimonials  and certificates  and  3  references  with telephone contact to;
The  Executive  Director
Protecting  Families against  HIV/AIDS (PREFA)
Plot  71  Llinthuli Avenue Bugolobi,
P. O. Box  25769, Kampala , Uganda

Deadline: 19/ 07 /2013

Jobs at Uganda Cooperative Alliance - Agriculture Project Officer

Job Title: Project  Officer –Agriculture
Uganda  Cooperative  Alliance  UCA  is an  umbrella   organization  for all  types  of coorperatives in Uganda .
•    Bachelors  degree  Agricultural  Economics  or  Agribusiness  Management  plus relevant  post-graduate  qualification 
•    3 years  experience  in marketing  & value  additional /value chain development
•    Ability to  organize and implement  multiple initiatives  and activities
•    Ability to coordinate  and meet  deadlines for  simultaneous activities
Job Purpose
•    To  provide  technical assistance  to field staff   and  coorperative  extension   staff  in agricultural  production , marketing and  value  addition  for improved  incomes .
Terms of  employment
•    15  months  renewable  contract  ,  Applicants  should be  in  position to start  working immediately  if  appointed.

How to apply
Applications  should   be addressed  to ;
 General  Secretary , Uganda  Cooperative  Alliance  Ltd,
P. O. Box  2215 Kampala

Deadline: 14/ 07 /2013

Jobs at Uganda Cooperative Alliance - Agriculture Field Officer

Job Title: Field  Officer  -Agriculture
Uganda  Cooperative  Alliance  UCA  is an  umbrella   organization  for all  types  of coorperatives in Uganda .
•    BSc  Agriculture  , Agricultural  economics  or  Agribusiness from  a recognized  university .
•    Posession of  additional  qualifications  in relevant  field  is an  added advantage .
•    Knowledge of the  local  language highly  desired .
Other Skills
•    Good  communication  skills  , presentation  , very good  analytical  and mobilization   skills
•    Computer  skills especially  Ms   Word, Excel , Power Point  and  D-Base
•    A minimum  of 2  years working  experience  in similar  jobs
•    Good  understanding  and  promotion  of  value  chain  concept

How to apply
Applications  should   be addressed  to ;
 General  Secretary , Uganda  Cooperative  Alliance  Ltd,
P. O. Box  2215 Kampala

Deadline: 14/ 07 /2013

Jobs at Uganda Christian University UCU - Deputy Vice Chancellor

Job Title: Deputy  Vice  Chancellor
Uganda  Christian  University UCU  , a private  institution  founded in  1997  by  the  Province  of the  Church  of Uganda .
•    Must be  a person  of strong faith    and integrity , a  committed Christian  and member  of the Church  of Uganda  or of  the  Anglican  Communion  Churches  in fellowship  with the  Church of Uganda .
•    Should  preferably  have at least  twelve  years progressive  experience  in finance  and  management  positions  at a  senior  level
•    Strong  team leadership skills  and demonstratable  knowledge  of   strategic  planning ;
•    Excellent verbal  /written  communication  skills
•    Knowledge  of national  laws  and policies  in education ;
Job Description
•    Reports to the  Vice  Chancellor;
•    Secretary  to the  Council  and its  Boards;
•    Keep  and maintain  inventory  of all  University  assets
•    Keep and maintain  all types  of  University  Insurances
•    Any other  duties  as may be  prescribed by the  Vice  Chancellor in the  advancement  of the  University .

How to apply
Send  your application  letter  clearly  demonstrating  suitably  together  with  updated  Curriculum  Vitae /Resume  and the  vision  for the  position  applied  for together  with three  references.
The  Secretary
Search  Committee   for  position  of Deputy  Vice Chancellor
Uganda  Christian  University
Pilkington Building
P. O. Box  4, Mukono

Deadline: 26 /06 /2013

Senior Program Manager Job Vacancy at ICCO Cooperation in Uganda

Job Title: Senior Program  Manager
The  ICCO  Cooperation  seeks  motivated  colleagues   who support  our  mission  to end  poverty  and injustice  and  who  are  committed.

Main Tasks
•    Be  in charge  of the  overall  program  implementation .
•    Develop  and maintain  working  relationships  with  lead  partiners  based  on  ICCO’s  partnership  principles.
•    Develop  and maintain  working  relationships  with all  relevant  AS4Y   stakeholders

•    Bachelors  degree  in a related   relevant  field like  agribusiness  or adult  education .
•    Masters   degree  in a  relevant field is an advantage
•    5 years  experience in a senior  management  position  with  an  international  organization
•    Technical  expertise  in Agriculture training .
•    Good  understanding   of a  multi-stakeholder programmatic  approach .

How to apply
Please  send  your CV   and a  motivational  letter  not more than 2 pages  to  All  applications  shall be  clearly  marked ;  ICCO-PM  AS4Y  and no-  e-mails  should  exceed  2MB  .  Kindly  note that  we are  conducting  a global  search and to avoid  any delays  related  with  postage  , only e-mail  applications  shall  be  considered .

Deadline: 22/ 07 /2013

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