
Logistics Assistant Jobs at CARE International in Uganda

Job Title: Logistics  Assistant
CARE  International   in Uganda  is seeking   for suitable  applicants  to fill the vacant post above .
Key Responsibilities
•    Manage care Uganda  Headquaters  transport  function ,  inclusive  liaison with  Country Office  (CO) Sub-Offices  and partiners in a way that leads  to the  effective  and  efficient  vehicle usage .
•    Implement  the Country  Office policy  of general receipt  of procured items and tracking  efficient use of  consumables
•    Implement the  CO  inventory  policy  inclusive  of asset register  updating , asset movement  and ensure proper  filling of all  required documents
•    University  degree in Business  Administration  procurement and  logistics
•    At least three years  experience  in a  similar position
•    Management  of a fast  moving  administrative  section requiring  quick problem  definition and  independent development  of  solutions

How to apply
Please submit your  applications  together  with detailed CV ,   your professional  and academic  papers and apply  for the job  online  through our website and for any other details .You  can also send  in hand delivered  applications  to our  offices  on  Plot  17 Mackinnon  road ,  Nakasero, P. O. Box  7280 Kampala addressed to Human Resources Coordinator  indicating the position title .

Deadline: 22/05/ 2013

Jobs at CARE International in Uganda - Program Coordinator

Job Title:  Program Coordinator
CARE  International   in Uganda  is seeking   for suitable  applicants  to fill the vacant post above .
Key Responsibilities
•    Support and oversee  planning and implementation  of Batwa  Empowerment   activities of the  HEAL  project through  networking  with  NGO  partiners,  plan and implement  and monitor  Batwa activities . Monitor  sub-grants  to partiner organizations.
•    Identify and realize synergies across  different  program themes  for optimal use  of resources  and increased impact of approaches  and activities .
•    Facilitate advocacy  and  capacity building  of partiners and communities and collaborators  focusing  on  influencing  positive responses on the needs and rights of the largest  communities  through coordination  of partiners  to engage in advocacy  and awareness  creating  on  the rights  and needs of the Batwa  Communities  among many other  roles .
•    Bachelors  degree  in  social sciences , development studies  or related field  plus a  post graduate  qualification  in a related field .
•    Minimum of three years  experience  of working  in a partinership approach  and supporting civil society
•    A strong advocacy background  and lobbying skills
•    Excellent communication  skills both oral and written
•    Good computer skills

How to apply
Please submit your  applications  together  with detailed CV ,   your professional  and academic  papers and apply  for the job  online  through our website and for any other details .You  can also send  in hand delivered  applications  to our  offices  on  Plot  17 Mackinnon  road ,  Nakasero, P. O. Box  7280 Kampala addressed to Human Resources Coordinator  indicating the position title .

Deadline: 22/05/ 2013

Consultant Jobs at UNFPA Uganda

Job Title:  Consultant
UNFPA Uganda is inviting  for qualified  candidates  to fill the vacant  post  above .
•    In  response  to the  human  is  humanitarian  context,  UNFPA  made  a business  case  for  establishing  DOs  in Gulu  for  Northern  Uganda  , Moroto  to  serve  Karamoja  and  Mbarara to serve  Western Uganda.
•    Over the  last  two  years ,  the  Dos  have  increasingly  focused on  transition from  recovery  to development  support , through the  current   7th  GoU/UNFPA  Country Program (CP)
•    Assess the  performance  of each of the  three Dos  (Gulu, Moroto  and  Mbarara) is  contributing  to achievement  of  outputs  of  the 7th   GoU/UNFPA  Country  Program ,  including  Joint  Programs  and UN presence.
•    Review the  structure and staffing  of each  of  the  Decentralized  Offices  of  Gulu, Moroto  and Mbarara.
•    Determine  cost  implications  , sustainability  and continued  relevance (or  Lack  of it) of  each  of the  three  Dos: Gulu, Moroto and  Mbarara.

How to apply
 Applications  should be  less than 10MB.  The subject  of the e-mail  should clearly  reflect  the position you are  applying  for  and include  your  full  names .
Should be sent to

Deadline:  24/05 /2013

Jobs at Marie Stopes Uganda - Service Providers

Job Title: Service Providers
Marie  Stopes  Uganda  is inviting  and recruiting  qualified   candidates  for the vacant  position above .
Technical Excellence
•    Administer  drugs  prescribed  in the correct dose , the correct  route  and  at the  correct strength for the  client , give injections in a safe manner using  the aseptic  technique.
•    Assist with  Norplant & IUD  insertion, MVA  procedure, Pap smear, Tubal Ligation  and Vasectomy  procedures
•    Provide antenatal , post natal care , emergency  deliveries  (midwives) and  immunization services .
•    Follow  STI  treatment  protocols correctly
•    A Diploma in Nursing  and  Midwifery .
•    Must have  an up to date registration certificate from  a recognized  institution .
•    3 years active  services in a clinical setting
•    Sound knowledge  of Family  Planning  methords.
•    Sound knowledge of  STI  detection, management  and  advice to clients.

How to apply
To apply  please  send  a CV   and  Cover letter  by email   or post  to the  Senior  Manager , People and Development ,  Plot  1020, Kisugu Muyenga ,  P. O. Box  10431, Kampala-Uganda ,  quoting  the position  title .

Deadline: 24 / 05 /2013

Technicians Jobs at Marie Stopes Uganda

Job Title: Laboratory Technicians
 Marie  Stopes  Uganda  is inviting  and recruiting  qualified   candidates  for the vacant  position above .
Technical Excellence
•    Based  on  laboratory  requested form and  recorded   client  notes , be able  to conduct  and report  on the  tests  such  as  :  Blood slide for malaria  , film commentary,  Urinalysis , Microscopy ,  occult  blood , write cell  count, blood grouping , clotting time , ESR  widal tests, VDRL/RPR,HB,  Gram  Stain , Brucella test,  HCG   test,  Sticking test , blood sugar , semen analysis , Sputum  AAFB, HIV  rapid test  and any other relevant  tests.
•    Ensure  a warm  and attractive laboratory environment  for clients
•    Ensure  that  the  laboratory  is clean , neat  and tidy  at all  times.
•    Diploma  in Medical Laboratory  Techniques  from a recognized institution
•    Full registration with  Allied  Health  Professionals  Council
•    At least  2 years  work experience  in a busy  clinical setting 
•    Computer Literacy  (M&E  Packages).

How to apply
To apply  please  send  a CV   and  Cover letter  by email   or post  to the  Senior  Manager , People and Development ,  Plot  1020, Kisugu Muyenga ,  P. O. Box  10431, Kampala-Uganda ,  quoting  the position  title .

Deadline: 24 / 05 /2013

Jobs at Marie Stopes Uganda - Clinical Officer

Job Title: Clinical Officer
Marie  Stopes  Uganda  is inviting  and recruiting  qualified   candidates  for the vacant  position above .
Technical  Excellence
•    Based on  client history , examination, laboratory  test  reports  and findings  and above  all  client  needs  , prescribe  appropriate drugs .
•    Perform  appropriate  procedures  that  including  Intravenous  Therapy,  Tubal  Ligation ,Vasectomy , Norplant, IUD  insertion,  Pap  smear,  MVA  procedure  and  VCT.
•    Ensure responsible follow up  and  treatment  of  complications.
•    Follow the Ugandan  Clinical Guidelines  for appropriate management  of most conditions  and  illnesses.
•    Refer  complicated  conditions  to a  hospital for further management .
•    Diploma in  Clinical  Medicine  and Community  Health 
•    2  years  active  service  in a  Clinical  setting
•    Valid  Medical  Practicing  License 
•    Computer  Literacy  (MS  Packages )

How to apply
To apply  please  send  a CV   and  Cover letter  by email   or post  to the  Senior  Manager , People and Development ,  Plot  1020, Kisugu Muyenga ,  P. O. Box  10431, Kampala-Uganda ,  quoting  the position  title .

Deadline: 24 / 05 /2013

Jobs at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Uganda

Job Title: Associate Project  Control Officer
United  Nations  High Commissioner  for  Refugees   is  inviting  and recruiting  qualified candidates for the vacant  position above .
•    University  Degree  in Accounting ,Finance,  Public  or Business  Administration, Economics or related field , Or  university degree in another field  combined with  a professional  qualification  in  accounting , auditing  or finance  .
•    Minimum  four  years  of previous job experience in the  field  of  accounting /finance,  project management , business analysis,  quality assurance and /or  risk  management .
•    Good  knowledge of  international  auditing  standards.
•    Excellent  communication and  negotiation skills .
•    Professional qualification  in accounting , auditing  or  finance  (CPA/CIA or equivalent )
•    Working experience  of at least one  year in an  intergovernmental organization  (United  Nations  or  similar).
•    Good knowledge  of United  Nations  financial rules and  procedures.
•    Working experience  with  accrual accounting  (such as  IPSAS  or  IFRS)

How to apply
Interested candidates  who meet the above criteria should  submit  their applications ,  under  confidential cover, addressed to the  Senior  Administrative /finance Officer,  UNHCR   Representation in Uganda , P. O. Box  3813, Kampala,  quoting the above  vacancy   notice  and post number .

Deadline: 21 /05 /2013

Jobs at Democratic Governance Facility in Uganda

Job Title: Program Officer , Transitional  Justice  and Conflict  Prevention

Democratic  Governance Facility (DGF)  is  inviting  qualified candidates  for the vacant position above.
•    Provide analysis  of key developments in the transitional  justice and conflict  prevention areas  and feed this  into  the  management  of the  DFG.
•    Provide input  to the development  and monitoring  of annual  work plans  and budgets as  agreed with the  CM.
•    Take overall responsibility  for achievement of agreed  targets within  the  sub-component .
•    Establish  and work  with relevant  working  groups as  directed by the  CM.
•    Develop and oversee,  where required, funding  application processes or  calls for proposals for potential partiners .
•    A Masters  degree  in  Transitional  Justice  , Conflict Prevention or  another  relevant  subject from  a recognized  university .
•    Additional  qualifications  in project  management  &  administration , public policy  development  studies and  political science are  an advantage .

•    Good knowledge  of current  development  challenges  and  political  developments in Uganda , especially in  the area of  Transitional Justice and Peace  and  Security issues .
•    At  least  five  years  experience  in the  management  of  development  programs  and projects .

How to apply
To apply please  send  your  CV  and  cover  letter with  3 work related  referees to the  address  or  e-mail  below. All  applications shall be marked : DFG-Program Officer .  E-mails must not exceed  2  MB.
People  Performance  Group
Plot  8  Kitante  Close  , Kitante
P. O. Box 12405, Kampala, Uganda

Deadline:  24/05 /2013

Jobs at Stop Malaria Uganda - Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist

Job Title:  Monitoring  and  Evaluation  Specialist
Stop  Malaria  Uganda is inviting for qualified candidates  for the vacant position above .
•    An advanced  degree  in  public  health  or a  pertinent social  science,  such as demography
•    Strong analytical , writing skills  and extensive  experience  in M&E  of public health  projects /programs .
•    Experience with establishing , monitoring and assessing  communicable  disease M&E systems
•    Strong  data  analysis  skills using  STATA  and other  statistical  packages such as  EpiData , SAS,  and  SPSS.
•    Ability  to maintain  a high  standard of  personal  conduct.
•    Familiarity  with  IT  systems  and solutions
•    Strong  writing  skills  with  publications  in peer-reviewed  journals
•    Understanding  of the  culture  and working  system /structure of the  public  health  sector in Uganda .

How to apply
Qualified  candidates  are  invited  to send  their  applications , academic  transcripts  and three  professional  references to the  Johns Hopkins University  /Centre for  Communication Programs , Plot 15 Binayomba  Avenue  (between  Ambrosoli  International  School  and Royal Studies ) Bugolobi, before the  date below;

Deadline:  20/05/ 2013

Jobs at Infectious Diseases Institute in Uganda - Circumcision Nurse

Job Title: Circumcision  Nurse
Infectious Diseases  Institute is inviting qualified candidates  for the vacant position above .
•    Work as full  member  of the surgical teams during  MMC  procedures .
•    Provide  nursing  care  to clients  attending the clinics
•    Assess clinical  patient problems   including  Cleaning , disinfecting  and packing surgical  instruments
•    Treat each client with  dignity , respect and understanding  in accordance  with  IDI’s  philosophy
•    Preferably  completion  of a  registered Nurses Training  from a recognized institution
•    Training  in Circumcision service provision  in a  recognized  institution.
•    Additional  training  in HIV/AIDS  will be  an added advantage .
•    Minimum of  one  year  work  experience in a  circumcision surgical setting

How to apply
Qualified and  interested  persons  may hand deliver , post or email application letter  with a detailed CV, naming  at least two  professional  referees to:
The  Human Resource Manager
Infectious  Diseases  Institute
P. O. Box  22418, Kampala.

Deadline: 17 / 05 / 2013

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