

Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandans to fill the following vacant posts below which exist in Amudat District Local government Application forms PSC Forms 3 (revised 2008) to be filled in Triplicate can be obtained from the office of the secretary Amudat District Service Commission, any District service commission country wide or from Public service commission Kampala. Application forms with three recent coloured passport size photographs should be submitted to the secretary Amudat District Service Commission; P.o Amudat not later than 26th /November/2010 . Serving officers should route their applications through tjeir heads of department who should be informed of the closing date to avoid delay. should be delivered to the office of Secretary Works Department Job Title...

Driving Jobs in Uganda Goverment

Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandans to fill the following vacant posts below which exist in Amudat District Local government Application forms PSC Forms 3 (revised 2008) to be filled in Triplicate can be obtained from the office of the secretary Amudat District Service Commission, any District service commission country wide or from Public service commission Kampala. Application forms with three recent coloured passport size photographs should be submitted to the secretary Amudat District Service Commission; P.o Amudat not later than 26th /November/2010 . Serving officers should route their applications through tjeir heads of department who should be informed of the closing date to avoid delay. should be delivered to the office of Secretary Works Department. Job Title...

Data Management Assistant Jobs at US Embassy in Uganda

Job Title: Data Management Assistant Data Management Assistant; FP-07; FSN-07 U. S. Mission, Uganda VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 092/2010 Date: 10/19/2010 OPEN TO: All Qualified Current Mission Employees POSITION: Data Management Assistant; FP-07; FSN-07 OPENING DATE: October 20, 2010 CLOSING DATE: November 02, 2010 WORK HOURS: Full-time; 40 hours/week ALL ORDINARILY RESIDENT (OR) APPLICANTS MUST HAVE THE REQUIRED WORK AND/OR RESIDENCY PERMITS TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR CONSIDERATION. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is an international public health agency engaged in HIV prevention and care programs and research activities in Uganda. CDC offers excellent career opportunities for professional growth, training, and collaboration with other health...

Registered Nurse; FP-6; ERR-FSN-8 Job Vacancy at US Embassy

Job title: Registered Nurse; FP-6; ERR-FSN-8 Closing date 15/10/2010 U. S. Mission, Uganda VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 106/2010 Date: 10/20/2010 OPEN TO: All Interested Candidates POSITION: Registered Nurse; FP-6; ERR-FSN-8 OPENING DATE: October 20 2010 CLOSING DATE: Until Filled WORK HOURS: Full-time; 40 hours/week ALL ORDINARILY RESIDENT (OR) APPLICANTS MUST HAVE THE REQUIRED WORK AND/OR RESIDENCY PERMITS TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR CONSIDERATION.ORDINARILY "The American Embassy is seeking for an individual for the position of Registered Nurse in the Health Unit Section." BASIC FUNCTION OF POSITION The Registered Professional Nurse functions as a primary health care provider at post and will be responsible for providing a full range of nursing services to official Americans...

Translator/Minute-Writer Job Vacancy at UNESCO (UN JOBS)

Post title: Translator/Minute-Writer Organisational unit English Translation Unit, Translation Section, Division of Conferences, Languages and Documents, Sector for Administration Duty station Paris, France Grade P-2/P-3 Post number ADM-289 Closing date 20 December 2010 Main responsibilities Under the supervision of the Chief of Unit, the incumbent shall: 􀂃 Translate official documents and material from Arabic and French into English, for periodicals and publications, general or specialized (education, science, social and human sciences, culture, communication, administration, etc.), carry out or request necessary referencing; 􀂃 Minute-write and edit verbatim records at sessions of governing bodies and other meetings; 􀂃 When sufficiently experienced, and if required, translate on a self-revised...

Programme Specialist Job Vacancy in UNESCO

Post title: Programme Specialist Organisational Unit Education Policy Analysis and Strategies Section, Division for Education Strategies and Capacity Building, Education Sector Duty station Paris, France Grade P-4 Post number ED-674 Closing date 8 November 2010 Main responsibilities Under the overall responsibility of the Director of the Division for Education Strategies and Capacity Building (ED/ESB), and the supervision of the Chief of the Section for Education Policy Analysis and Strategies (ED/ESB/EPS), the incumbent will act as education policy analyst and planner, participate in the design and implementation of UNESCO's education programme, and provide technical and capacity development support to Member States in the field of education sector policy review, sector analysis, planning...

Job Vacancy at UNESCO- Ugandans Can Apply (UN JOBS)

Post title: Director Organizational unit Executive Office, Education Sector Duty station Paris, France Grade D-1 Post number ED-585 Closing date 15 December 2010 Main responsibilities Under the overall authority and direct supervision of the Assistant Director-General for Education (ADG/ED), the incumbent will lead the Executive Office (EO) and supervise the provision of the following integrated management services, in cooperation with the relevant central services, and provide advice and assistance to ADG/ED in preparing management strategies for the Education Sector. The incumbent will specifically: – General management: (i) Provide strategic advice and decision-making support to ADG/ED with regard to the management of the Sector’s programme, budget and staff, ensuring follow-up of the ADG/ED’s...

Medical Jobs at UNESCO (French Version)

Titre du poste: Médecin Unité Service médical, Bureau de la gestion des ressources humaines Lieu d'affectation Paris (France) Classe P-4 N° du poste HRM-641 Date limite 13 décembre 2010 Principales fonctions Sous l’autorité générale de la Directrice adjointe du Bureau de la gestion des ressources humaines et lasupervision directe du Médecin-chef, le/la titulaire agit à titre de spécialiste médical au sein du Servicemédical de l’UNESCO ; Il/elle s’acquittera en particulier des tâches suivantes : • Pratiquer les soins d’urgence, les examens d’embauche, les examens périodiques, les campagnesde vaccination et de médecine préventive. • Prendre en charge les consultations médicales privées et toute assistance nécessitée par les fonctionnaires du Siège et des Bureaux Hors Siège,les membres des Bureaux...

French Reviser Job Vacancy at UNESCO

Post title: French Reviser Organisational unit Correspondence Section, Office of the Director-General Duty station Paris, France Grade P-3 Post number ODG-007 Closing date 20 December 2010 Main responsibilities Under the overall authority of the Chief of Section, the incumbent exercise the duties of Executive officer responsible for French revision within the Section of correspondence. To this end, the incumbent will be responsible for the following tasks: 􀂃 Ensure that all correspondence for the signature of the Director-General, the Deputy Director-General, the Assistant Directors-General (for which ODG visa is required) and DIR/ODG has obtained all the required visas and that they adequately fulfil their purpose, that they contain no inaccuracy or defect in the matter of content (facts...

Current Jobs and Vacancies at UNESCO

Post title Director Organizational unit Bureau of Human Resources Management Duty station Paris, France Grade D-2 Post number HRM-237 Closing date 15 December 2010 Main responsibilities Under the general authority of the Director-General, the Director will lead and manage the Bureau of Human Resources Management (HRM). He/she will be responsible for the overall formulation, planning and coordination for the Bureau of Human Resources Management which currently includes services such as: Entitlements, Recruitment and Classification, Training and Career Development, Staff Relations, Policy, Pensions and Insurance, Medical and staff well-being. The incumbent will specifically: – Lead and manage the Bureau in the conceptualization and implementation of policies, strategies, plans, projects and...

Assistant Programme Specialist Job Vacancy at UNESCO

Post title Assistant Programme Specialist Organisational unit UNESCO Office in Kabul Duty station Kabul, Afghanistan Grade P1/P-2 Post number 4AFCLT0001RP Closing date 30 November 2010 Main responsibilities Under the overall authority of the Assistant Director General for Culture, and the direct supervision of the Director of UNESCO Office in Kabul, the incumbent will be responsible for the following duties and responsibilities: 􀂃 Plan, prepare, coordinate, implement, monitor, evaluate and report on operational and training projects for the preservation of tangible and intangible heritage, World Heritage, the development of museums, as well as capacity building financed under the Regular Programme and extrabudgetary funding in line with UNESCOs administrative rules and regulations; 􀂃 Develop...

Assistant Legal Officer Job Vacancy at UNESCO

Post title Assistant Legal Officer Organisational unit Office of the Director Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs Duty station Paris, France Grade P1/P-2 Post number LA-016 Closing date 8 November 2010 Main responsibilities Under the authority and direct supervision of the Director of the Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs (LA), the incumbent will be required to carry out the following duties and responsibilities as to: • Deal with a broad variety of legal problems concerning the Organization and draft written opinions concerning them; • Assist in the interpretation of legal materials relevant to the work of the Organization and in defending of the rights and interests of the Organization, especially with regard to arbitration proceedings; • Assist in the negotiation,...


MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SPORTS THE CHINESE SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME 2010/2011 ACADEMIC YEAR Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandan scholars to pursue studies at Postgraduate and Undergraduate level in the Chinese Universities for 2010/2011 academic year. FIELDS OF STUDY Masters level 1. Computer Science 02 2. Economics & International Trade 01 3. Food Processing & Technology 03 4. Textile Technology 01 5. Civil Engineering 02 Undergraduate level 1. Medicine 01 2. Bsc. Engineering (Petroleum) 01 Eligibility Applicants at Masters level should hold a first degree of at least upper second class honours in the relevant field and must not be more than 35 years of age. Applicants for undergraduate level must have a minimum of 2 principal passes at (C level) ‘A’ level and must...


MINISTRY OF EDUC ATION AND SPORTS THE TURKISH GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIPS 2010/2010 ACADEMIC YEAR Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandan scholars to pursue studies at Masters and undergraduate levels Turkish in Universities for 2010/2011 academic year. Postgraduate Level 1. Architecture 01 Undergraduate level 1. Pharmacy 03 2. Architecture 03 3. Chemical Engineering 03 Eligibility Applicants at Masters level should hold a first degree of at least upper second class honours in the relevant field and must not be more than 35 years of age. Applicants for undergraduate must have a minimum of 2 principle passes at (C level) ‘A’ level and must be below 25 years of age. Students currently at Public Universities on government sponsorship or any other scholarship need not apply. Procedure...


MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SPORTS THE EGYPTIAN GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIPS 2010/2011 ACADEMIC YEAR Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandan scholars to pursue studies at undergraduate level in Egyptian Universities for 2010/2011 academic year. Undergraduate Level 1. Commerce 03 2. Tourism and Hotel Management 03 3. Computer Science and Informatics 04 Eligibility Applicants must have a minimum of 2 principal passes at (C level) ‘A’ level and must be below 25 years of age. Students currently at Public Universities on government sponsorship or any other scholarship need not apply. Terms of the scholarships The scholarship covers tuition fees and living expenses. Air ticket to and from Egypt is covered. Parents/Guardians would be required to contribute at least US $ 100 monthly towards...


The Australian Government, in partnership with the Government of Uganda, is offering a limited number of Australian Development Scholarships commencing in January 2011. The scholarships are for study for 12-24 months at Masters level in Australia at Australian Universities. Target Group: 􀂃 You are a national of Uganda 􀂃 You are an early or mid-career professional currently employed by a Ugandan public sector organisation or training institution (includes parastatals and other public sector entities) 􀂃 You wish to undertake a Masters degree in Australia in one of the listed priority fields of study 􀂃 You have a clear vision for how you will use the knowledge gained through the Masters degree to improve policy and practice in Uganda in the proposed field of study. Eligibility: 􀂃 You must...


MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SPORTS THE NEW ZEALAND COMMONWEALTH SCHOLARSHIP AND FELLOWSHIP PLAN 2010/2011 ACADEMIC YEAR Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandan scholars to compete for 2 PhD scholarships New Zealand Universities for 2010/2011 academic year. FIELDS OF STUDY Public sector governance and reform Education (particularly basic/non-formal education) Health (particularly public health, primary health, HIV/AIDS, infectious diseases) Sustainable rural livelihoods including small and micro enterprise development Eligibility Candidates should hold a first degree of at least upper second class honours in the relevant field. Applicants must not be more than 45 years of age. Procedure of application Hand written application indicating age, sex, home district, place of work...


MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SPORTS THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT TOGETHER WITH CHINA EAST NORMAL UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandan Educationalists to compete for 3 scholarships to China East Normal University to study a one year Masters of Education in Education Leadership and Policy. The language of instruction is English with a required course in the Chinese Language as a foreign language Target Group - You are a Uganda National - You are mid career Ministry of Education official - You are Senior Administrator personnel from school/University College. - You posses a bachelors degree of at least upper second - You are below 35 years of age. - You possess three years working experience Procedure of application Hand written application indicating age,...


MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SPORTS THE ALGERIAN GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIPS 2010/2011 ACADEMIC YEAR Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandan scholars to pursue studies at undergraduate level in Algerian Universities for 2010/2011 academic year. Undergraduate Level Field of study Slots 1. B. Medicine 01 2. B. Pharmacy 02 3. B. Dental Surgery 01 4. B .Biology 02 5. B. Veterinary Science 04 6. B. Agronomy 01 7. B. Economics 01 8. B. Commerce 01 10. B. Mathematics & Computer Science 03 11. B. Science & Technology 07 12. B. Earth and Universe science 04 13. B. Nature and Life Science 02 14. B. Science of Matter 01 15. French Language 07 16. Spanish Language 01 Terms of the Scholarship The scholarship covers only Tuition and Accommodation. Successful candidates will have to pay...

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