
Principal Election Officer Job Vacancy at The Election Commission In Uganda

Job Title: Principal   Election   Officer  , Administration
The  Election  Commission  , established  under  Article  60  of the  Constitution  of the  Republic  of Uganda  and mandated  to conduct  public elections
Key Tasks
•    Monitoring  the implementation   of  security  arrangements  at the  Commission  offices  .
•    Ensuring  timely  and efficient  provision  and maintenance  of  transport  facilities /fleet  management 
•    Planning  for the  provision  of Office  supplies  , travel  and transport  logistics 
•    Acting as Secretary  to Management  Committee  Meetings
•    Applicants  should  be Ugandans  holding  an Honors  Bachelors  Degree  in Arts  or Social  Sciences  , Development  Studies , Human Resource  Management , Management  , Commerce  (Management option),  Business  Administration  (Management  Option) or a related  field from  a recognized  University  /Institution  plus  a minimum  of a  Post  Graduate  Diploma  in the  above  field .egree
•    Possession of   a Masters  Degree in Public  Administration , Business  Administration , Human  Resource  Management , Management  , ICSA  , and  a Certificate  in Administrative  Law  are  added advantages.
•    Applicants  should   have at least  6 years  relevant  working   experience  in the  field  of Administration
•    3 years  of which should  have been  gained  at a  Senior  level  in Government  or  equivalent  level  of  experience  from  a reputable  organization.
How to apply
Applications  with comprehensively  typed  CV  showing  the applicants  contact  address with  day  time  telephone  numbers  , addresses and  day  time  telephone  numbers  of three  referees  , copies  of academic  transcripts  and certificates  should  be sent  to  the 
Human  Resource  Office /Central  Registry , P. O. Box 22678, Jinja  Road, Kampala
Deadline : 08 /11 /2013

Principal Election Officer Job Vacancy at The Election Commission

Job Title: Principal   Election   Officer ,  Human  Resource Management
The  Election  Commission  , established  under  Article  60  of the  Constitution  of the  Republic  of Uganda  and mandated  to conduct  public elections
Key Tasks
•    Applicants  should  be Ugandans  holding  an Honors  Bachelors  Degree  in Arts  or Social  Sciences  , Development  Studies , Human Resource  Management , Management  , Commerce  (Management option),  Business  Administration  (Management  Option) or a related  field from  a recognized  University  /Institution  plus  a minimum  of a  Post  Graduate  Diploma  in the  above  field .egree
•    Possession of   a Masters  Degree in Public  Administration , Business  Administration , Human  Resource  Management , Management  , ICSA  , and  a Certificate  in Administrative  Law  are  added advantages.
•    Preparation   of draft budgetary  estimates  and staff  proposals
•    Managing   establishment   and staffing   control information systems.
•    Administering  the payroll
•    Preparing  periodic  reports  for the  Human  Resource  Department 
•    Applicants  should   have at least  6 years  relevant  working   experience  in the  field  of Administration
•    3 years  of which should  have been  gained  at a  Senior  level  in Government  or  equivalent  level  of  experience  from  a reputable  organization.
How to apply
Applications  received  after  the deadline  will not be considered .  Candidates  who  do not  receive  feedback  within a  month’s  time  from  the deadline  should  consider  their  applications  unsuccessful . Uganda   Post  Limited  T/A  Post  Uganda  is inviting  qualified  persons  who  meet  the stated  minimum  requirements  to apply  for the vacancy  . Interested  candidates  should  send  their  application letter, attach copies  of academic  credentials  and  a detailed  CV , to the  address  below within  Two  weeks   to;
The  Head  , Department  of Human  Resource   and  Administration 
Posta  Uganda  , P. O. Box  7106,
Deadline:  14 /10 /2013

National Director Job Vacancy at SOS Children’s Villages Uganda

Job  Title:  National Director
SOS  Children’s  Villages  Uganda  is a  seeking  for  suitable applicants  to fill the vacant  post mentioned  above.
Minimum   Specifications
•    A  Bachelor’s  degree  in Business  Administration  , Education, Development  Studies  or a   related  Social   science  discipline
•    A  Master’s  Degree  in the  same  field  will be  an added advantage
•    10  years  experience  in  NGO   or Similar  sector  supporting  children  and community  work  with  at least  5 years  at Senior  Management  level ,
•    Experience  in dealing  with  and relating   with the  Board  of Trustees/Directors  of an  organization,
•    Fluency  in English  language ,
•    Readiness  to travel  nationally  and  internationally
How to apply
The  successful  candidate   who has the  relevant  qualifications  and experience  , please send  your application to  the address  below   not later than  5;00 p.m.   Provide  a detailed  CV  demonstrating  possession of relevant  job  competencies  , current  position , names  and addresses of  three  referees  , copies  of professional  /Academic  documents , email address, and  day time  telephone  contact  to;
The  Director  , PILA  Consultants, P. O. Box  9092, Kampala  .  Plot  648, Nanfumbambi  Road ,
Kikoni  Makerere  West  .  Tel: +256-312 275 892,
Deadline:  31 /10 /2013

Post Bus Conductors Job Vacancy at Posta Uganda

Job Title: Post  Bus  Conductors 
Uganda  Post  Limited  T/A  Posta  Uganda  is inviting  qualified  persons  who meet  the  stated  minimum  requirements  to apply  for the  vacant vacancy .
Job   Description 
•    Assist  Post  Bus  passengers  to embark  and  disembark
•    Conduct  ticket  checks  before  departure  to ensure  that all  passengers  have  paid  the fare
•    Assist the driver  to carry  out minor  repairs  on the  motor  vehicle 
•    Survey  and advice   driver  on existence  of passengers
•    Ordinary  Diploma  in a  Business  related  field  , preferably  Accounting 
•    Possession  of a driving  license  or additional  qualifications such  as  Mechanical  Engineering  or Accounts  will  be an  added advantage
•    Minimum  of two  years experience 
•    Ability  to speak  and write  English 
•    Ability  to check  minor   defects  on the  vehicle
•    Must  possess  Demonstrable  Customer  Care  skills
How to apply
Applications  received  after  the deadline  will not be considered .  Candidates  who  do not  receive  feedback  within a  month’s  time  from  the deadline  should  consider  their  applications  unsuccessful . Uganda   Post  Limited  T/A  Post  Uganda  is inviting  qualified  persons  who  meet  the stated  minimum  requirements  to apply  for the vacancy  . Interested  candidates  should  send  their  application letter, attach copies  of academic  credentials  and  a detailed  CV , to the  address  below within  Two  weeks   to;
The  Head  , Department  of Human  Resource   and  Administration 
Posta  Uganda  , P. O. Box  7106,
Deadline:  14 /10 /2013

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