
Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarships for Developing Countries - Ugandans and Kenyans can also apply

Aga Khan Foundation MS/PhD Degree Deadline: 31 March (annual) Study in: any Country Course starts 2010 Brief description: The Aga Khan Foundation provides a limited number of scholarships each year for postgraduate studies to outstanding students from developing countries who have no other means of financing their studies. Scholarships are awarded on a 50% grant : 50% loan basis through a competitive application process once a year. The Foundation gives priority to requests for Master’s level courses but is also willing to consider applications for PhD programmes, when doctoral degrees are necessary for the career objectives of the student. Requests will also be considered for travel and study awards for PhD students doing their research in Third World countries on topics judged to...

Rainbow Bridge MBA Scholarships for African and Asians

Fondation Rainbow Bridge MBA Degree Deadline: Rolling Study in: Paris, France Course starts September 2010 Brief description: The Fondation Rainbow Bridge MBA Scholarships was established in memory of Muriel Dargent (1967 – 2004), Matthieu Dargent (1997 – 2004), Iris Dargent (2001 – 2004), and Muriel’s parents, all of whom disappeared in the December 2004 Tsunami. The Fondation Rainbow Bridge will enable young women recipients to enrich their academic background by obtaining an HEC MBA. Host Institution(s): HEC Paris, France Field of study: Masters in Business Administration (MBA) Number of Awards: Two MBA scholarships will be awarded for the September intake, and two for the January intake. Target group: Women from Asian or African countries affected by natural disasters,...

University of Edinburgh Scholarships for Africans, Asians, Ugandans and Kenyans

University of Edinburgh Masters (MS) Degree Deadline: 31 May 2010 (Annual) Study in: any Country (online) Course starts 2010 Brief description: The University of Edinburgh will offer Master’s scholarships for eligible distance learning Master’s programmes offered by the University. Host Institution(s): University of Edinburgh in United Kingdom Field of study: Scholarships will be available for students pursuing one of the following distance learning programmes: College of Humanities and Social Science • LLM Innovation, Technology and the Law • LLM Intellectual Property Law • LLM Medical Law and Ethics • LLM Information Technology Law • Med Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages (including PG Certificate and PG Diploma) • MSc E-Learning (including PG Certificate...

London South Bank University Scholarships for East and South African Students (Full Distance Learning) - Ugandans can also apply

London South Bank Univ Online Masters (MS) Degree Deadline: 17 May 2010 (annual) Study in: any Country Course starts September 2010 Brief description: Fully-funded distance learning scholarships are available in 2010 for student/scholars from East and Southern African Commonwealth countries to study the MSc in Education for Sustainability at London South Bank University. Host Institution(s): London South Bank University, UK Field of study: MSc in Education for Sustainability Number of Scholarships: 15 scholarships will be awarded for 2010. Target group: African Commonwealth Citizens living and working in: Botswana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Zambia. Applications from women, who are underrepresented in leadership...

Ford Foundation International Scholarships for Developing Countries (Uganda, kenya, Africa ans Asia)

Ford Foundation MS/PhD Degree Deadline: varies per country Study in: any Country Course starts 2011 Brief description: The Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program’s (IFP) mission is to expand educational opportunity and foster social justice in developing countries. IFP provides fellowships for post-graduate study to emerging leaders from Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Russia and Latin America. These leaders come from marginalized and excluded communities that typically lack access to higher education. IFP was launched in 2001 with $280 million, the largest single grant in Ford Foundation history. In April 2006 the Ford Foundation announced a new pledge of $75 million for IFP. The program expects to support approximately 4,300 Fellows when final selections are completed in...

UK Commonwealth Scholarships for Developing Commonwealth Countries and Africa

DFID/UK Universities Masters Degree Deadline: 31 May 2010 (annual) Study in: UK Course starts AY 2010 -2011 Brief description: The Shared Scholarship Scheme is a joint initiative between the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (with funding from DFID), and UK universities, to support scholarships for students from developing Commonwealth countries who would not otherwise be able to study in the United Kingdom. Awards are for taught masters courses only. No awards will be made for undergraduate or doctoral study. Host Institution(s): Awards are only available at participating institutions in the UK. See the Booklet for 2010 Shared Scholarship Scheme (link found below) for details of the UK institutions offering Scholarships joint-funded with the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission...

Distance Learning Scholarships for Developing Commonwealth Countries (including Uganda and kenya)

DFID/UK Universities Online Masters (MS) Degree Deadline: 14 June 2010 (Annual) Study in: any Country Course starts September 2010 Brief description: The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in partnership with UK Universities offers distance learning scholarships as part of the commitment of the Commission and the Department for International Development’s (DFID) commitment to explore new methods of scholarship delivery. The distance learning scholarships are delivered via three methods: Partnership delivery These courses are offered in partnership with institutions in developing Commonwealth countries and chosen on the grounds of their impact on international development. The awards are used to improve the long-term capacity of institutions, as well as the individual recipients. Non-partnership Since...

Masters Scholarships in Public Policy and Good Governance For Ugandans, kenyans, Africans and Asia

DAAD Masters (MA/MS) Degree Deadline: 15 August 2010 Study in: Germany Next course starts 2011 Source link: Brief description: This programme is designed to academically qualified future leaders in politics, law, economics and administration according to the principles of Good Governance and to prepare them in a praxis-oriented course for their professional life. With this programme, DAAD intends to contribute to the support of Good Governance and civil society structures in selected partner countries and regions. Participating Programmes in Host Institutions: The following Master courses can be undertaken at selected German Universities as specified below: • University...

Masters Degree Scholarships for Developing Countries (Uganda, Kenya, Africa and Asia)

Brief description: VLIR-UOS awards scholarships to students from developing countries so that they can follow a Master’s Programme in Belgium. The master’s programmes, lasting one or two academic years, focus on specific problems of developing countries. These are designed to enable graduates to share and apply acquired knowledge in the home institution and country. Host Institution(s): Academic Institutions and Universities in Belgium: • Universiteit Antwerpen • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven • Universiteit Gent • Universiteit Hasselt (tUL inclusief) • Vrije Universiteit Brussel Fields of study/Programmes: International Master Programmes 2011-2012 • Master of Development Evaluation and Management • Master of Globalization and Development • Master of Governance and Development •...

Oxford Undergraduate Scholarships for Developing Country Students (Including Uganda, Kenya and Africa)

University of Oxford Undergraduate Degree Deadline:15 Oct ’10/25 Feb ’11 Study in: London, UK Course starts October 2011 Brief description: A number of Oxford colleges offer Reach Oxford scholarships (formerly Oxford Student Scholarships) to students from developing countries who, for political or financial reasons, or because equivalent educational facilities do not exist, cannot study for a degree in their own countries. Host Institution(s): Oxford University in UK Field(s) of study: All undergraduate subjects except Medicine due to the length and expense of this course Number of Awards: A small number of awards will be made, yet to be confirmed Target group: All countries in the list defined by the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD except Saudi Arabia (see...

The United Nations Capital Development Fund Jobs- International Consultant Vacancy (Re-advertised)

International Consultant: Technical Assistance for the Design of Post Graduate Diploma Course on Gender in Development Practice at Makerere University Background The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) through the UN Joint Programme on Gender Equality is extending financial support to the Government of Uganda (Ministry of Local Government and Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development) towards promotion of Gender Equity in Local Economic Development under the District Development Programme III. The main activity under this outcome area is to establish and deliver a Post Graduate Course on Gender in Development Practice at Makerere University. This will address the need for capacity building for development practitioners to formulate strategies and actions that stimulate...

Managing Director Job Vacany in Rwanda

Job Title:Bakery - Managing Director Vacancy: Managing Director REPORT TO: Company mangement,board of directors and shareholders Location: Kigali Country: Rwanda Job Description (Duties): The bakery is currently a mid-sized operation (26 employees), but has ambitious plans for expansion to become a market leader in the near future.This will be realized through the company's future company operations that is; high capacity/top bakery producing diversified product lines,multiple distribution outlets and in-house retail sandwich chain. Duties and Responsibilities: * Oversee overall management/P&L responsibility of 4 business units: -Product Sales Unit -Technical Support Unit -Marketing and Distribution Unit -5 Point of Sales * Direct the course of company growth and expansion...

Samaritan’s Purse Jobs - National Program Manager Vacancy

Job Title: National Program Manager: Health and Social Protection Location: Kampala Reports to: Country Director/Deputy Country Director SUMMARY: The National Program Manager for Health and Social Protection is the technical focal person for all health, HIV, OVC and gender programming for Samaritan’s Purse in Uganda. H/she will provide technical and managerial oversight to projects and is responsible for the overall quality of programming in this sector. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Ensure that all projects in the sector are of satisfactory quality and comply with national and international standards 2. Ensure timely implementation, monitoring and evaluation of all activities 3. Ensure that relevant epidemiologic data is collected, analyzed and used to guide project implementation 4....

Jobs in Kampala: Many Vacancies at VSO Jitolee International

VSO Jitolee is currently looking for committed professionals with skills and expertise in: NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (NRM-01) Agricultural Specialists; Agribusiness; Agriculture Economics and Horticultural Specialists. MANAGEMENT ADVISORS (MA-02) Specialists in Organisational Strategy and ChangeManagement, Micro-finance Management, Monitoring and Evaluation and Marketing. COMMUNICATIONS & MEDIA (COM-03) Designing communication strategies, implementing and managing subsequent activities and strengthening organisation communication systems. HIV & AIDS (HIV-04) Management of HIV & AIDS organisations, HIV&AIDS Programming, HIV&AIDS Mainstreaming, Policy Formulation and Advocacy, Gender and HIV&AIDS, Treatment and Care, Work Advisors, Specialists in ART Management...

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