
Personal Secretary Job Opportunity at Lyantonde District Local Government

Job  Title: Personal Secretary
Lyantonde District Local Government is seeking  to employ  qualified suitable applicants for the above position which is vacant.

•    Ordinary  level  Certificate  with at least  2 credits including  English language  and three passes .
•    UNEB  Certificate  or Diploma  in Secretarial  Studies  or equivalent  qualifications  from a recognized  awarding  Institution  with the following  subjects .
•    Business Communication  Stage  111,
•    Typing stage 11 (50 wpm),iii
•    Shorthand  Stage  11( 80/90), iv.
•    Office  Management  Computer skills  using word processing .

•    Taking and transcribing   dictation and producing  error  free work ;
•    Receiving and disseminating  correspondences ,mails and other  information for  the office ;
•    Receiving and guiding clients to offices ;

How to apply

Applications  should be  submitted in  triplicate  on  PSC  from 3(2008) to the secretary  DSC Lyantonde   P. O. Box 10 Lyantonde  .Application forms are obtainable  from  Public Service  Commission offices  2nd floor , Farmers house  , Parliament Avenue , Kampala and/any  other  office  of the District  Service Commission  Country wide . Applicants should  attach  3 sets  of certified photocopies  of their certificates and Testimonials  ,plus 3  recent  certified  passport size photographs .
Serving officers  should route their applications through their heads  of department and be informed of  the closing  date to avoid delays .

Deadline: 22/ 03 /2013

Senior Probation and Welfare Officer Jobs at Lyantonde District Local Government

Job Title: Senior Probation and Welfare  Officer

Lyantonde  District  Local  Government is seeking  to employ  qualified suitable applicants for the above position which is vacant.

•    An Honors Bachelor  degree of Arts /social sciences , social works  and social administration  or
•    Development studies  from a recognized  University /Institution.

•    Coordinating  the implementation  of policies and programs  to prevent the occurrence  of vulnerable  children in the community ;
•    Initiating and developing  children and youth  programs and  projects ;
•    Sensitizing local  communities  and NGOs  on child care and  protection .
•    Developing and disseminating  advocacy  materials  on child care and protection

How to apply
Applications  should be  submitted in  triplicate  on  PSC  from 3(2008) to the secretary  DSC Lyantonde   P. O. Box 10 Lyantonde  .Application forms are obtainable  from  Public Service  Commission offices  2nd floor , Farmers house  , Parliament Avenue , Kampala and/any  other  office  of the District  Service Commission  Country wide . Applicants should  attach  3 sets  of certified photocopies  of their certificates and Testimonials  ,plus 3  recent  certified  passport size photographs .
Serving officers  should route their applications through their heads  of department and be informed of  the closing  date to avoid delays .

Deadline: 22/ 03 /2013

Senior Labour Officer Jobs at Lyantonde District Local Government

Job Title: Senior Labour Officer
Lyantonde  District  Local  Government is seeking  to employ  qualified suitable applicants for the above position which is vacant.

•    An Honors Degree  in Social Sciences , Social work  and Social Administration , Developmental  Studies , Human Resource Management  from a recognized University /Institution .

•    Inspecting  work places  in order to make them conform  to natural policies  and standards  on occupational  health and  safety
•    Setting labour campaigns between employers and employees
•    Monitoring the implementation of  labour policy  and legislation
•    Sensitizing the public on labour  policy and legislation
•    Giving  technical advice to both employers and employees  on  employer/employee relations , disputes  resolution and  collective bargaining

How to apply
 Applications  should be  submitted in  triplicate  on  PSC  from 3(2008) to the secretary  DSC Lyantonde   P. O. Box 10 Lyantonde  .Application forms are obtainable  from  Public Service  Commission offices  2nd floor , Farmers house  , Parliament Avenue , Kampala and/any  other  office  of the District  Service Commission  Country wide . Applicants should  attach  3 sets  of certified photocopies  of their certificates and Testimonials  ,plus 3  recent  certified  passport size photographs .
Serving officers  should route their applications through their heads  of department and be informed of  the closing  date to avoid delays .

Deadline: 22/ 03 /2013

Jobs at Lyantonde District Local Government - Senior Community Development Officer

Job Title: Senior Community Development Officer
Lyantonde  District  Local  Government is seeking  to employ  qualified suitable applicants for the above position which is vacant.
·         An Honors Degree in Arts , Social Sciences , Rural  Development studies  or Social Work and
·         Social Administration  or any related  field from a recognized  University/Institution
·         Coordinating the  effective delivery  of gender , culture and community  based services in the  District/Urbun  Council;
·         Supervising  gender , culture and  community centres  and other  community establishments;
·         Monitoring and evaluating  the effective  implementation  of  National  and local laws and policies  on gender , labour  and social development
·         Advising council  on matters  regarding  gender, culture and  community social developments

How to apply
Applications  should be  submitted in  triplicate  on  PSC  from 3(2008) to the secretary  DSC Lyantonde   P. O. Box 10 Lyantonde  .Application forms are obtainable  from  Public Service  Commission offices  2nd floor , Farmers house  , Parliament Avenue , Kampala and/any  other  office  of the District  Service Commission  Country wide . Applicants should  attach  3 sets  of certified photocopies  of their certificates and Testimonials  ,plus 3  recent  certified  passport size photographs .Serving officers  should route their applications through their heads  of department and be informed of  the closing  date to avoid delays .

Deadline: 22/ 03 /2013

Sports Officer Job Vacancy at Lyantonde District Local Government

Job Title:  Sports Officer
Lyantonde District Local  Government is seeking  to employ  qualified suitable applicants for the above position which is vacant.

•    Should hold an Honors  Bachelor Degree in Education  with a bias in sports   Science or
•    An Honors Degree  in sports Science  from a recognized University.

•    Preparing work plans  and budgets ;
•    Drawing  up sports  and games  programs /timetable
•    Supervising sports  and games
•    Identifying and promoting  sports talent;
•    Organizing sports  courses

How to apply
Applications  should be  submitted in  triplicate  on  PSC  from 3(2008) to the secretary  DSC Lyantonde   P. O. Box 10 Lyantonde  .Application forms are obtainable  from  Public Service  Commission offices  2nd floor , Farmers house  , Parliament Avenue , Kampala and/any  other  office  of the District  Service Commission  Country wide . Applicants should  attach  3 sets  of certified photocopies  of their certificates and Testimonials  ,plus 3  recent  certified  passport size photographs .
Serving officers  should route their applications through their heads  of department and be informed of  the closing  date to avoid delays .

Deadline: 22/ 03 /2013

Senior Inspector of Schools Jobs at Lyantonde District Local Government

Job Title: Senior Inspector of Schools

Lyantonde District Local Government is seeking  to employ  qualified suitable applicants for the above position which is vacant.

•    Should hold an Honors  Bachelors  Degree  with Education  from a recognized  University  or Institution .
•    Either a postgraduate  Diploma in Education planning and management  or
•    Human Resources  Management  or Public Administration  and Management  or other related managerial  fields from a recognized University.

•    Understanding  School   inspection and preparing  reports there of ;
•    Preparing   monitoring  and evaluation  reports ;
•    Conducting  teacher staff  development  programs in collaboration  with other stakeholders ;
•    Tendering  technical  support and  guidance to  educational  institutions
How to apply

Applications  should be  submitted in  triplicate  on  PSC  from 3(2008) to the secretary  DSC Lyantonde   P. O. Box 10 Lyantonde  .Application forms are obtainable  from  Public Service  Commission offices  2nd floor , Farmers house  , Parliament Avenue , Kampala and/any  other  office  of the District  Service Commission  Country wide . Applicants should  attach  3 sets  of certified photocopies  of their certificates and Testimonials  ,plus 3  recent  certified  passport size photographs .
Serving officers  should route their applications through their heads  of department and be informed of  the closing  date to avoid delays .

Deadline: 22/ 03 /2013

District Education Officer Career Opportunity at Lyantonde District Local Government

Job Title: District Education Officer

Lyantonde District Local Government is seeking  to employ  qualified suitable applicants for the above position which is vacant.

•    Should hold an Honors  Bachelors Degree  in Education from a recognized  University  or Institution .
•    Either a Masters  Degree  in Education  Planning  and Management  or Human Resources Management  or
•    Public Administration  and management or  other related  Managerial  fields from  a recognized  University  or Institution.

•    Implementing  Education   laws , policies  and regulations;
•    Implementing  approved  education  and sports development  plans ,strategies  and council decisions ;
•    Providing technical and professional  advice ;
•    Organizing and facilitating  teachers training programs

How to apply

Applications  should be  submitted in  triplicate  on  PSC  from 3(2008) to the secretary  DSC Lyantonde   P. O. Box 10 Lyantonde  .Application forms are obtainable  from  Public Service  Commission offices  2nd floor , Farmers house  , Parliament Avenue , Kampala and/any  other  office  of the District  Service Commission  Country wide . Applicants should  attach  3 sets  of certified photocopies  of their certificates and Testimonials  ,plus 3  recent  certified  passport size photographs .
Serving officers  should route their applications through their heads  of department and be informed of  the closing  date to avoid delays .

Deadline: 22/ 03 /2013

Road Inspector Job Opportunity at Lyantonde District Local Government

Job Title: Road  Inspector
 Lyantonde District Local Government is seeking  to employ  qualified suitable applicants for the above position which is vacant.
•    A level with  a Certificate in  Civil Engineering  from a recognized  institution
•    Carrying out regular  road inventories ;
•    Producing road  condition assessments  reports
•    Supervising culvert  installation  and fabrication ;
•    Preparing and inspecting  routine  maintenance programs  by contractors
•    Maintaining log  sheets (motorcycle)  and time sheets ;

How to apply

Applications  should be  submitted in  triplicate  on  PSC  from 3(2008) to the secretary  DSC Lyantonde   P. O. Box 10 Lyantonde  .Application forms are obtainable  from  Public Service  Commission offices  2nd floor , Farmers house  , Parliament Avenue , Kampala and/any  other  office  of the District  Service Commission  Country wide . Applicants should  attach  3 sets  of certified photocopies  of their certificates and Testimonials  ,plus 3  recent  certified  passport size photographs .
Serving officers  should route their applications through their heads  of department and be informed of  the closing  date to avoid delays .

Deadline: 22/ 03 /2013

District Engineer Jobs at Lyantonde District Local Government

Job Title: District Engineer
Lyantonde District  Local  Government is seeking  to employ  qualified suitable applicants for the above position which is vacant.

•    Should hold an  Honors Bachelors  of Science Degree  in Civil  engineering  from a recognized  University or Institution
•    Should also have a Master’s in an engineering discipline.
•    Should be  a registered  Engineer with  Uganda Engineers  Registration Board

•    Providing technical  advice   and guidelines to stakeholders ;
•    Preparing technical specifications  of contacts ;
•    Supervising all the technical  works in the District ;
•    Preparing work plans  and budgets for the technical work in the district

How to apply
 Applications  should be  submitted in  triplicate  on  PSC  from 3(2008) to the secretary  DSC Lyantonde   P. O. Box 10 Lyantonde  .Application forms are obtainable  from  Public Service  Commission offices  2nd floor , Farmers house  , Parliament Avenue , Kampala and/any  other  office  of the District  Service Commission  Country wide . Applicants should  attach  3 sets  of certified photocopies  of their certificates and Testimonials  ,plus 3  recent  certified  passport size photographs .
Serving officers  should route their applications through their heads  of department and be informed of  the closing  date to avoid delays .
Deadline: 22/ 03 /2013

Assistant Statistical Officer Job Vacancy at Lyantonde District Local Government

Job Title: Assistant Statistical Officer
Lyantonde  District  Local  Government is seeking  to employ  qualified suitable applicants for the above position which is vacant.
•    At least a  Certificate  in Advanced Level  of Education  (A level) and 
•    A Diploma  in Statistics  from a recognized  Institution .
•    Collecting and analyzing  and storing data ;
•    Processing data  into useful   information for decision making
•    Producing statistical reports ;
•    Appraising  Development projects
•    Organizing and implementing  National Surveys

How to apply
 Applications  should be  submitted in  triplicate  on  PSC  from 3(2008) to the secretary  DSC Lyantonde   P. O. Box 10 Lyantonde  .Application forms are obtainable  from  Public Service  Commission offices  2nd floor , Farmers house  , Parliament Avenue , Kampala and/any  other  office  of the District  Service Commission  Country wide . Applicants should  attach  3 sets  of certified photocopies  of their certificates and Testimonials  ,plus 3  recent  certified  passport size photographs .
Serving officers  should route their applications through their heads  of department and be informed of  the closing  date to avoid delays .

Deadline: 22/ 03 /2013

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