
Controls Officer Job at Goal Uganda

Job title: Controls Officer Company:GOAL Closing date: 26 Aug 2010 Location: Uganda Kampala - 60% Kampala & 40% the field Job details 1. Management of NGO Finance Manger: There are approximately 15 partners that GOAL works with, funded according to their financial and organisational capacity. The post holder will manage the NGO Finance Manager to: a) Monitor and audit financial management of granted funds by partner organisations and ensure that grants are properly used and accounted for as per agreed project proposals; b) Provide technical support to the preparation, review and approval of budgets for projects to be implemented by partner organisations; c) Strengthen the capacity of local partner organisations to effectively manage, control and report on finances so that over...

Deputy Country Director Vacancy at Mercy Corps

Job title: Deputy Country Director Closing date: 10 Oct 2010 Location: Uganda - Kampala Deputy Country Director (217193-927) PROGRAM SUMMARY: ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: Program Management: Provide overall leadership and direction to Uganda program staff and support the Country Director to strengthen the program strategies, program quality, partnerships, and accountability in Uganda in accordance with Mercy Corps and donor policies. Effectively manage program growth and oversee the implementation of all of Mercy Corps' current programs with a continual eye to new program development that meets the strategic interests of Mercy Corps Uganda taking special consideration of quality, efficiency and sustainability. With the Country Director and Program Staff, develop and design...

Innovation Officer job in UN Uganda office

Job title:Innovation Officer Company: United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) Closing date: 31 Aug 2010 Location: Uganda - Kampala UNOPS helps its partners in the United Nations system meet the world's needs for building peace, recovering from disaster, and creating sustainable development. UNOPS is known for its ability to implement complex projects in all types of environments around the globe. In an effort to promote organizational excellence, UNOPS seeks highly qualified individuals for the following position: Vacancy Code: VA/2010/NAO/UNDG/18-8/IO Post Title: Innovation Officer Post Level: Consultant (I-ICA 1) Position Status: Non-rotational Org Unit: NAO/DG/EOSG/Global Pulse Duty Station: Kampala, Uganda (with possibility of travel) Duration: Immediate start,...

Head of Region Vacancy in Uganda- Action Against Hunger

Job Title: Head of Region Action Against Hunger Closing date: 31 Aug 2010 Location: Uganda Location: Field Job Objectives: Supervision of logistics, finance, security and HR issues in Central-North (Lira/Gulu bases, Acholiland Lango sub regions) and ensuring of efficiency, relevance and optimization of all projects in the region. Support to the Program Managers and making sure their activities follow the global framework set by ACF for the region. The HOR will be the ACF representative for the region at the district levels and will participate in defining ACF's positioning and programming in collaboration with the Country Director. To ensure that the mission has up-to-date knowledge of donor strategies, funding mechanisms and regional approaches and these are fed into the coordination...

Small and Medium Enterprise Officer Job- Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development

Job Title: Small and Medium Enterprise Officer Reporting to: SME Advisor Duty Station: Gulu Duties and Responsibilities Overall summary of the position The SME Field Officer is the focal person at the Sub counties of implementation responsible for conducting all training activities, ensuring value addition and supporting farmers and traders in accessing market information. He/she will ensure effective coordination and networking with line departments, local leaders, farmers groups, traders and communities on issues pertinent to SME and report to the SME Coordinator. • Supporting the process of acquisition of land for construction of satellite collection points. • Training of selected local traders in Gulu and Oyam. • Supporting selected farmer groups with savings mobilization through VSLA •...

Small and Medium Enterprise Advisor Job - ACTED Uganda

Job Title: Small and Medium Enterprise Advisor Reporting to: Program Manager Duties and Responsibilities • Provide support and capacity building to Farmer Field Schools (FFS), local traders and owners of satellite storage and processing facility; • Design and implement a market information system together with the District authorities; • Address all necessary land issues and avoid lawsuits regarding land (working with internal audit and our attorney); • Training of Famer groups in value addition and business management; • Draft sub-county level storage facility management and business plan; • Supervise implementation of the sub-county level storage facility management and business plan; • Support HHS in developing individual/group business plans; • Coordination with local Government officials...

Head of Department Mobilization Vacancy in Uganda

Job Title: Head of Department Mobilization - Disaster Risk Reduction Reporting to: Nakapiripirit Base Manager Duty Station; Nakapiripirit (Uganda) Duties and Responsibilities •Manage ACTED's DRR Unit's daily tasks; •Facilitate the group action •planning process and identify the appropriate learning activities to be integrated; •Establish the DRR Unit's work plans according to the projects schedules; •Carry out ground working activities in preparation for the selection of beneficiaries and subsequent establishment of Community •Disaster Management Committees (CDMC); •Select CDMCs following criteria agreed by ACTED and the communities; •Guide Pastoral Field Schools (PFS) and CDMCs to put in place and regularly update the appropriate records and reporting formats where necessary; • Mentor...

Medical Laboratory Technologist Job

Post: Medical Laboratory Technologist Reports to Laboratory Manager (a) Key Responsibility * Participate in specimen collection and testing as appropriate * Oversee the hematology unit * Ensure Quality Control and Assurance * Management of laboratory records, specimen repository and shipping. * Ensuring the security of laboratory equipments (b) Key qualifications: *Diploma in medical laboratory Technology with specialization in he¬matology, A Bachelors degree in Medical Laboratory Technology is an added advantage. * At least two years experience preferably in a research laboratory. * Computer literate and registered with Allied Health Professional's Council Apply for this job MODE OF APPLICATION Applications with comprehensive CV, certified copies of transcripts and certificates together...

Medical Officer Job at Kabwohe Clinical Research Centre

Post: Medical Officer Reports to the Medical Director (a) Key Responsibilities: * Run daily clinics providing general medical care at the Centre and outreaches * Conduct minor surgical procedures including safe medical circumci¬sions * Participate in continuous medical education (b) Key Qualifications: * Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from a recognized institution * At least one year of experience. Training and experience in ART provi¬sion is an added advantage. Apply for this job MODE OF APPLICATION Applications with comprehensive CV, certified copies of transcripts and certificates together with applicant's telephone contact as well as names, addresses and telephone numbers of three referees should be hand delivered to KCRC in Kabwohe or sent via post office to the address below. The...

Human Resource/Administration Manager Vacancy- Job In Uganda

Post: Human Resource/Administration Manager Reports to: The medical Director (a) Key Responsibilities: * Further development and implementation of HR policies and proce¬dures * Day to Day administration of the centre including time management * Oversee fleet management, stores and the Center's assets * Handling of all staff contracts, leave and other personnel issues * Further development and implementation of micro-health insurance schemes (b) Key Qualifications: * Bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Management, Public/Business Administration, Health Services Management or Social Sciences. A postgraduate diploma in a relevant field is an added advantage. * At least 3 years work experience in HR and or Administration prefer¬ably in a health facility, Experience in health insurance is an...

Information Security Officer Job

*Job Title: Information Security Officer * Grade: PL-6 * Position N°: 0940 * Reference: ADB/10/105 * Publication date: 02/08/2010 * Closing date: 05/09/2010 Objectives Under the direct supervision of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) who reports directly to the Head of the Security Unit. The Information Security Officer will be responsible for protecting Bank’s IT infrastructure by * Ensuring Confidentiality, Integrity and availability of Bank’s information assets * Ensuring strategic implementation of Information Security in support of business objectives; * Ensuring reduction of adverse impacts on the Bank’s business operations to an acceptable level and other responsibilities that may be assigned by the CISO. Duties and responsibilities Under...

Statistical Assistant Vacancy in a Bank

* Position title: Statistical Assistant ESTA2 * Grade: GS - 7 * Position N°: NA * Reference: ADB/010/104 * Publication date: 02/08/2010 * Closing date: 02/09/2010 Objectives Preparation of ICP activities: To assist in the assessment of the statistical capacity and development of RMCs; To assist countries in the design of their ICP work plan; To prepare draft reference classifications and lists of items to be priced by RMCs; To assist in the coordination of ICP activities at the regional level. Conduct of ICP Surveys and Analysis: To contribute to the preparation of ICP technical documents; To collate and help process ICP data transmitted by countries; To help validate and analyze ICP results and prepare relevant flagship publications. Implementation of Capacity &...

Chief Field Office Security Manager Job

* Position title: Chief Field Office Security Manager * Grade: PL-3 * Position N°: 0884 * Reference: ADB/ 10/107 * Publication date: 05/08/2010 * Closing date: 07/09/2010 Objectives The key security objectives are to assure for all of the Bank’s location throughout Africa the: * Management of protection of all ADB assets and personnel in Field Office locations. * Management of security and emergency contingency plans for all Field Offices. * Manage all strategic security documents at the regional level. * Manage the preparation of threat level reports relating to Field Offices. * Mitigation management and identification of all threats to the ADB in Field Office locations and the development of risk mitigation strategies and effective counter measures. ...

Principal Compliance & Mediation Officer Vacancy- Banking Job

* Position title: Principal Compliance & Mediation Officer * Grade: PL-4 * Position N°: NA * Reference: ADB/10/108 * Publication date: 05/08/2010 * Closing date: 09/09/2010 Objectives The Independent Review Mechanism has been established for the purpose of providing people adversely affected or likely to be affected by a project financed by the African Development Bank, the African Development Fund, the Nigeria Trust Fund and other Special Funds administered by the Bank with an independent mechanism through which they can request the African Development Bank Group to comply with all its own policies and procedures. The Independent Review Mechanism (IRM) combines compliance review and problem-solving functions to be undertaken in accordance with the established...

Senior Field Office Security Officer Job

* Position title: Senior Field Office Security Officer * Grade: PL-5 * Position N°: 0885 * Reference: ADB/10/106 * Publication date: 05/08/2010 * Closing date: 07/09/2010 Objectives The key security objectives are to assure for all of the Bank’s location throughout Africa the: * Protection of all ADB assets and personnel in Field Office locations at the regional level. * Availability of security and emergency contingency plans for Field Offices in a specific region. * Prepare and maintain all strategic security documents at the regional level. * Preparation of threat level reports relating to Field Offices. * Identification of all threats to the ADB at the regional level and the putting into place of effective counter measures at the regional level. ...

Chief Evaluation Officer Job

* Position title: Chief Evaluation Officer * Grade: PL3 * Position N°: 007 * Reference: ADB/10/109 * Publication date: 10/08/2010 * Closing date: 21/09/2010 Objectives The African Development Bank (AfDB) is a leading development institution in the continent, focused on promoting economic development and poverty reduction. It engages with the full range and complexity of development challenges in Africa. Core operational priorities include infrastructure, governance, regional integration, and engagement in fragile states. Duties and responsibilities The incumbent reports to the Division Manager, Project and Program Evaluation Division of the Operations Evaluation Department. S/he will: Lead/Conduct and manage private sector operations evaluations that are impartial,...

Systems and Telecoms Administrator Job in a Bank

* Position title: Systems and Telecoms Administrator * Grade: GS-7 * Position N°: NA * Reference: ADB/10/111 * Publication date: 10/08/2010 * Closing date: 12/09/2010 Objectives NA Duties and responsibilities The position is located in the Computer Information Management & Methods Department, Infrastructure & Telecommunications Division (CIMM.2). The incumbent will work directly within the Network and Telecommunications Team in providing configuration management and technical support services pertaining to the Systems and Network technologies including LAN, WAN, WLAN, Wireless, VoIP, Voice, IPBX, Data and Videoconferencing. Major duties and responsibilities of the incumbent with the appropriate profile will be as follows: Systems Administration * Installation,...

Principal Performance & Talent Management Officer- Banking Job

* Position title: Principal Performance & Talent Management Officer * Grade: PL-4 * Position N°: NA * Reference: ADB/10/110 * Publication date: 12/08/2010 * Closing date: 07/09/2010 Objectives The Bank’s staffing profile has expanded with 50% of staff new in their positions. There is need to strengthen the performance management process in the Bank to ensure that performance management is recognized as a core management function. The Principal Performance & Talent Management Officer is responsible for developing systems, and structures, to ensure that African Development Bank Managers have the support they need to effectively transition to new human capital policies and procedures and to execute key components of the Human Capital Strategy Initiative focusing...

Principal Resource Mobilization Officer Jobs, ORMU (3 Positions)

* Position title: Principal Resource Mobilization Officer, ORMU (3 Positions) * Grade: PL-4 * Position N°: NA * Reference: ADB/10/113 * Publication date: 13/08/2010 * Closing date: 15/09/2010 Objectives The African Development Bank (AfDB) is the continent’s leading development institution focused on promoting economic development and poverty reduction. The Bank intervenes in a number of selected areas where Africa is facing complex development challenges. It lends directly to the public and private sectors through a variety of instruments, provides grants to eligible low income countries and, provides advisory services to African governments and Pan-African agencies. In recent years, the Bank has increasingly played an advocacy role for the continent internationally....

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