
Drivers- Driving Jobs in Government of Uganda, Ministry of Gender and labour

Position: Drivers Location: Kyenjojo, Kiboga and Kaberamaido districts Qualifications: • A minimum of a Diploma with at least 5 years experience • Possess a valid driving permit • Not more than 45 years old Apply for this job All interested persons with relevant qualifications and experience should send their CVs and applications along with 3 work related referees by email to: by 13th October 2010. Please mark clearly in the subject area which job you are applying for. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Any form of canvassing will lead to automatic disqualificati...

New Government Jobs in Uganda

Position: District SAGE MIS Officers Location: Kyenjojo,Kaberamaido and Kiboga Districts The successful candidates wilt work in partnership with Kyenjojo, Kaberamaido and Kiboga district authorities to support implementation of the SAGE cash transfer scheme. Post holders will be responsible for managing programme registration and enrolment data and ensuring timely submission of bulk data sets to national programme management. Qualifications: • A graduate qualification with at least 5 years relevant work experience • Experience in management information systems • Excellent analytical skills • Strong IT skills (software and hardware) Apply for this job All interested persons with relevant qualifications and experience should send their CVs and applications along with 3 work related referees...

Jobs and Employment opportunities In Government of Uganda

Position: District SAGE M and E Officers Location: Kyenjojo, Kaberamaido and Kiboga districts The successful candidates will work in partnership with Kyenjojo, Kaberamaido ,and Kiboga district authorities to support the monitoring and evaluation of the SAGE cash transfer scheme. Post holders will be responsible for programme quality assurance at local level feeding data back to programme management. In addition, post holders will support local government authorities to generate lessons from the programme which will inform national policy processes. Regular and extensive travel throughout the pilot districts will therefore be required. Qualifications: • A graduate qualification with at least 5 years relevant work experience • Prior experience working with local government authorities • Experience...

Government Jobs In Uganda- District SAGE Advisors Vacancies, Ministry of Gender

The Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD), with support from the UK Department tor International Development and Irish Aid, is implementing the Expanding Social Protection Programme (ESPP) in Uganda. The ESPP is a five year programme which is coordinated by the Social Protection Secretariat within the MGLSD and includes a pilot cash transfer scheme, the Social Assistance Grants for Empowerment (SAGE) Programme. SAGE will provide regular cash transfers to vulnerable families living in chronic poverty. SAGE will work initially in fourteen districts, reaching 15% of households, in target districts, with the aim of subsequent national scale-up. Our client, Maxwell Stamp PLC has been providing technical support to MGLSD to implement the ESPP. Maxwell Stamp PLC are now seeking...

More New Job and Vacancies at Baylor College of Medicine Children's Foundation

Position: LABARATORY COORDINATOR Duty station: Arua, Soroii Reports to: Care and Treatment Specialist Role definition: To support the development of sustainable and appropriate good quality lab services in Arua and Soroti regions and all district facilities by implementing the standard operating procedures (SOPs) according to MQH standards. KEY RESULT AREAS 1. Work with lab focal person to assess in detail all labs in the Health facilities in Districts supported by Baylor- Uganda including QA/QC, infrastructure, equipment, safety, data management, SOPs, roles and training needs of staff and systems for the collection and referral of samples, 2.Develop detailed plans to rectify shortcomings of labs, lab staff, and lab systems, in conjunction with other Partners and project and District lab...

Baylor College of Medicine Jobs- TB/HIV OFFICER Vacancy

Position: TB/HIV OFFICER Duty station: Arua, Soroti Reports to: Care and Treatment Specialist Purpose of the job: To monitor and coordinate the strengthening of the Part¬ner districts and health facility activities to address the dual burden of TB/HIV through implementation of collaborative activities in accordance with MOH guidelines. Key results areas 1. Support partner districts and health facilities to integrate planning for TB/ HIV activities into district work plans, budgets and performance measure¬ment plans. 2. Plan, direct and participate in building capacity of partner districts and health facilities to integrate and implement TB/HIV collaborative activities. 3. Provide technical support to partner districts in integrating and conducting support supervision of TB/HIV activities...

Employment Opportunities-Baylor College of Medicine Children's Foundation - Uganda

Position: ORPHANS AND VUNERABLE CHILDREN (OVC) OFFICER- Duty station: Arua, Soroti Reports to: Care and Treatment Specialist Purpose of the job: Monitor the implementation of OVC activities by District Community Officers and sub granted CSOs in accordance with agreed pro¬gramme performance measures Key Result Areas: 1. Review impiementers activity plans and reports and check for consistency and accuracy in accordance with the programme requirements 2. Develop plans and budgets for OVC activities with CSOs for a given time frame in line Baylor's planning and financial guidelines 3. Work collaborative with Grants Officers to identify eligible CSOs 4. Build the capacity of CSOs through training about OVC and maintain their participation in project development activities in line with Baylor...

GRANTS OFFICER Job at Baylor College of Medicine

Position: GRANTS OFFICER Duty station: Arua, Soroti Reports to; Finance and Administration Officer. Purpose of the job: To review and monitor funds requests, utilization and accountability by Districts and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to ensure performance based sub granting in accordance with the Funders' and Baylor's finance guidelines Key Result Areas: 1. Develop a Grants Management Manual for the region for adoption by sub grantees. 2. Review CSOs' funding proposals and applications for grants and check for completeness, consistency and accuracy in accordance with established criteria and programme funding guidelines 3. Provide advice to applicants and potential applicants about award and grant requirements and how to complete applications in accordance with the grant management...

Vacancies at Baylor College of Medicine

Position: CARE AND TREATMENT SPECIALIST Duty station: West Nile Reports to: The Project Coordinator Role definition: This position serves as the HIV Care and treatment medical Team lead. S/he will have oversight of all care and treatment activities, including treatment scale up, ARV or opportunistic infection, medicine supply chain and procurement systems, working towards greater program efficiencies in HIV care and treatment and institutional capacity building and health systems related to HIV care and treatment activities. S/he will work with National HIV/ care and treatment partners while supervising the TB/HIV Coordinator, Nutrition Coordinator, HCT Coordinator,OVC Coordinator and Medical Logistics Officer. S/he will align up to date comprehensive HIV/AIDS Care and treatment SOPs to West...

Current Jobs at Baylor College of Medicine - Uganda,

Position: HIV COUNSELLING AND TESTING (HCT) OFFICER) Duty station: Arua, Soroti Reports to: Care and Treatment Specialist Purpose of the job: To provide technical support to the Districts and Health Facilities in the provision of HCT and HIV/AIDS prevention services in accor¬dance with the Programme objectives and MOH standards and guidelines Key Result Areas: 1. Support the development of HCT services in the districts and ensure that HCT is implemented according to MOH HCT documents such as SOPs, National guidelines and policies. 2. Maintain communication with districts, health facilities, MOH and other stakeholders (who may be offering HCT services (through quarterly meet¬ings,electronic communication,monthly,reports about HCT in line within the Programme objectives 3. Identify training...

Jobs Vacancies and Employment Opportunities at Baylor College of Medicine - Uganda,

Position: PROJECT COORDINATOR (Region) Duty station: Arua, Soroti, Fort Portal and Moroto Reports to: Program Manager Purpose of the job: To Coordinate and monitor program activities in the re¬gion so as to strengthen the capacity of districts, health facilities and civil so¬ciety organizations (CSOs) to provide quality and sustainable comprehensive HIV/AIDS services in accordance with the Program guidelines Key Result Areas: 1. Establish partnership opportunities in the districts and with CSOs and initi¬ate MOUs with them in accordance with the Programme Objectives and guidelines 2. Provide technical assistance to districts, Health facilities and CSOs to draft work plans for HIV/AIDS services and review their work plans in ac¬cordance with Programme and MOU guidelines 3. Work with monitoring...

IT Jobs Vacancies at Baylor College of Medicine Children's Foundation - Uganda,

Position: IT OFFICER Duty station: Secretariat – Kampala Reports to: The IT Manager Role: To monitor and maintain computer systems (network, software and/or hardware) and provide IT user support in line with IT standards and Baylor Uganda's strategic objectives Key Result Area: 1. Maintain the districts Human resources management information system (HRMIS) hardware and update software in line with the department mission and IT standards, 2. Maintain, and update the SNATS Website in line with the department mis¬sion. 3. Document computer policies and programs following documentation guide¬lines and International IT standards 4. Maintain an information technology continuity back-up plan for all SNATS electronic data management and disaster recovery plan in line with the de¬partmental mission. 5....

PROJECT COORDINATOR Vacancy - Baylor College of Medicine Jobs

Position: PROJECT COORDINATOR, TRAINING Duty station: Secretariat – Kampala Reports to: Program Manager SNATS Role definition: To monitor and review the implementation of the SNATS training programme and develop support and innovative mechanisms of health workers in line with departmental mission Key Result Areas 1. Conduct training needs assessment for targeted health personnel, and compile and present findings to stakeholders in line with the departmental mission 2. Prepare and monitor training budgets for implementing the SNAT training programme in line with department's mission 3. Work with Program Manager to identify areas for scholarship programs to support health workers and retain them. 4. Develop an innovative program for support and retention of health workers through provision...

MONITORING AND EVALUATION COORDINATOR Vacancy- Baylor College of Medicine Jobs

Position: MONITORING AND EVALUATION COORDINATOR Duty station; Soroti, Arua Reports to: The Monitoring and Evaluation Manager Role definition: To plan, develop and manage program performance moni¬toring and evaluation system, establish information/data base for management purposes according to programme evaluation guidelines Key result areas: 1. Prepare annual M and E work plans and budgets for the region with the District HIV management information systems (HMIS) focal person and monitor their implementation according to Baylor's financial and planning guidelines 2. Develop performance monitoring tools to track program indicators in ac¬cordance with the detail program implementation plan 3. Monitor and appraise the performance of M and E Officers according to Bay¬lor's Human Resources guidelines 4....


Position: PROGRAM MANAGER UNICEF AND KOICA PROJECTS Reports to: The Director Medical and Psychosocial Programmes Role definition: To initiate, develop and monitor the implementation of sys¬tems, policies and procedures for aligning the UNICEF and KOICA projects ob¬jectives to Medical and Psychosocial programs in the targeted districts and manage the performance of the implementers in line with Baylor Uganda's mission Key result areas: 1. Provide direction, technical and managerial oversight to Project Coordina¬tors and Partners to roll out program activities and ensure services reach target beneficiaries at all levels of implementation. 2. Manage, supervise and build the capacity of Project Coordinators in quality Programme Planning, Management and implementation of program activi¬ties. 3....

Baylor College of Medicine Jobs

Position: DIRECTOR CAPACITY BUILDING AND TRAINING Duty station: COE-Mulago Reports to: Executive Director Role definition: To provide overall technical Leadership, Managerial oversight for the Directorate and ensure program implementation and reporting of all SNATS project activities, achievement of results and timely submission of all project deliverables. S/he will work with the Ministry of Health and all other relevant Ministries and partners to strengthen the capacity of the Government of Uganda to provide quality comprehensive HIV/AIDS services. Key Result Areas 1. Lead the Baylor Uganda team and work with MOH to design and implement activities of the directorate and SNATS project in line with Baylor -Uganda's mission, MOH's guidelines and donor requirements. 2. Provide oversight and...

INTERNAL AUDITOR Vacancy at Baylor College of Medicine Children's Foundation

Position: INTERNAL AUDITOR Reports to: The Chief Internal Auditor Duty station: COE Mulago Hospital Purpose of the job: To review, monitor and Implement the Independent ap¬praisal of the effectiveness of financial, physical and information resources control policies, procedures and standards in accordance with the established audit guidelines and International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing Key Result Areas: 1. Review and analyze the monthly financial reports and register variances to establish risks in accordance with established audit guidelines 2. Carry out compliance testing of financial systems and control procedures in accordance with established auditing standards 3. Develop internal audit plans and programmes in accordance with estab¬lished planning...

New Jobs at Baylor College of Medicine Children's Foundation - Uganda,

Position: HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICER IN CHARGE OF PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM- Reports to: Manager Human Resources Duty Station: COE-Mulago Role definition: To initiate, develop and monitor the implementation of the performance management system, policies and procedures aligned with Bay-lor Uganda's mission and HR system and cascaded to the individual level. Key result areas 1. Review and monitor the performance planning process at Departmental, Unit and Individual level so as to enhance the integration of organizational objectives with individual goals in line with Baylor Uganda's mission. 2. Provide PM orientation to new staff and Training in relation to PM gaps and monitor the performance of PM committees (responsibility centres and change champions) in line with performance management...

Baylor College of Medicine- Jobs and Employment Opportunities

Position: COORDINATOR NURSING SERVICES Duty station COE-Mulago Hospital Reports to: Manager, Medical Care /COE Role definition: To develop and monitor the implementation of systems and guidelines for providing Nursing services at COE and National Expansion Program (NEP} and managing the performance of the Nurses Unit in line with the Nurse Unit mission and Baylor-Uganda medical and psychosocial guide¬lines, Key result areas: 1. Develop and monitor the implementation of nursing policies and procedures/SOPs in line with the Nurses Unit mission and Baylor-Uganda medi¬cal and psychosocial guidelines. 2. Develop and monitor the implementation of annual Nurses Unit plans and budget in line with Baylor Uganda mission and financial guidelines 3. Develop and monitor the implementation of the capacity...

Baylor College of Medicine Children's Foundation - Uganda, Jobs and Vacancies

Post: DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Duty station: COE - Mulago Hospital Reports to: The Executive Director Role Definition: To Provide leadership and guidance in the development and implementation of operational systems, processes and policies for Information technology, Procurement, Administration and Human Resources Management, in accordance with Baylor's vision and strategic goals. Key Result Areas: 1. Initiate plans for the Directorate of Operations and monitor the achievement of results in accordance with the organization's strategic plan 2. Review developed policies, procedures, strategies, for human resources management, procurement, and administration and ICT services in line with Baylor - Uganda's 5 year strategic plan. 3. Monitor and analyse the operating environment, make timely readjustments...

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