
Kampala International University (KIU) Application (Admission) Guidelines and Requirements

Admission Requirements An applicant may be admitted upon fulfilling five basic criteria: scholastic achievement, good character, financial support, good heath, and intentions and interests in harmony with the University mission and vision. Admission is a privilege. The University reserves the final decision on matters of entrance, retention, and withdrawal. A candidate for a degree program, diploma or certificate in any faculty or school must comply with conditions and meet the selection set in the University's admission policy. The admissions committee has the right to refuse admission of any student. Registered students in another higher education institution in the Republic of Uganda or any recognized institution of learning who desire to be admitted...

Admission Requirements Kampala International University (KIU) School of Business and Management

Programme Minimum Admission Requirements a) Bachelor of Business Administration Two a Level Principal passes of which one should be in Economics and one subsidiary Pass b) Bachelor of International Business Two A Level Principal Passes at A Level of which Administration one should be in Economics and one subsidiary Pass c) Bachelor of Human Resource Two Principal Passes at A Level and at least a subsidiary Management Pass in Economics d) Bachelor of Supplies and Procurement Two Principal Passes at A Level and at least a subsidiary Management Pass in Economics e) Bachelor of Marketing Management Two Principal Passes at A Level and at least a subsidiary Pass in Economics f) Diploma in Business Administration One Principal Pass...

Post Graduate Degree Courses at Kampala International University (KIU)

DOCTORAL PROGRAMS * PhD Educational Management * PhD Business Management * PhD Management Information Systems * PhD Public Administration and ManagementMASTER DEGREE PROGRAMS * Master of Business Administration (Finance and Accounting) * Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management) * Master of Business Administration (Marketing) * Master of Business Administration (Information Technology) * Master of Business Administration (International Business) * Master of Business Administration (Procurement) * Master of Business Administration (Banking and Finance) * Master of Business Administration (Executive) * Master of Education in Educational Management & Administration * Master of Science in Computer Science * Master of Science...

Undergraduate Courses at Kampala International University (KIU)

SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT * Bachelor of International Business Administration * Bachelor of Business Administration (Banking & Finance/Accounting/Marketing) * Bachelor of Marketing Management * Bachelor of Human Resource Management * Bachelor of Supplies and Procurement Management * Bachelor of Arts in Hotel and Tourism Management * Bachelor of Business Computing * Diploma in Hotel and Tourism Management * Diploma in Secretarial and Office Management * Diploma in Human Resource Management * Diploma in Business Administration * Certificate of Business AdministrationSCHOOL OF COMPUTER STUDIES * Bachelor of Computer Science * Bachelor of Information Technology * Bachelor of Management Information Systems * Bachelor in Computer Engineering...

Primary School Teacher/Volunteer Job Vacancy In Uganda

Company: Africa Initiative For The Needy Uganda (Ainu)Job Title: Primary School Teacher/VolunteerJob Reference Number: 1211Location: Kampala - UgandaEmployment Type: Internship, VolunteerPosting Date: 2011-01-04Job DescriptionLocation: Kayunga, Kiboga,Kampala, Mukono and Masaka, Uganda.Organization: Africa Initiative For The Needy Uganda (AINU).Start date: January 3, 2011Sex: All are welcomeLanguage(s): EnglishAge: Adults (18-64)Area of Focus: Children and YouthDescription:We need volunteers who can help to teach, train and equip pupils with the necessary skills for development.we have 4 orphanage schools in Kayunga and Kampala districts where we shall allocate these volunteers.we welcome all categories of people to participate in our orphanage schools.we shall provide...

Volunteer Nurse/Doctor/Health Care Assistant/s Vacancy

Company: Africa Initiative For The Needy Uganda (Ainu)Job Title: Volunteer Nurse/Doctor/Health Care Assistant/sJob Reference Number: 6676Location: Kampala - UgandaEmployment Type: Student, Internship, VolunteerPosting Date: 2011-01-04Job DescriptionLocation: Mukono and Kampala., 71215, UgandaOrganization: Africa Initiative For The Needy Uganda (AINU).Start date: December 01, 2010Sex: All are welcomeLanguage(s): EnglishAge: Adults (18-64)Area of Focus: Health and Medicine, Health, Mental, Research and Science, Victim Support ServicesDescription:Who:Healthcare professionals who have had some post-training experience, mature medical or nursing students, and retired doctors or nurses interested in rural community healthcare are most welcome. Also, healthcare professionals...

Kyambogo University Fees Structure (Tuition Fees)

PRIVATE SPONSORSHIP1 Faculty of EngineeringBachelor of Architecture 5 yrs 1,500,000Bachelor. of ( Eng. Civil & Building Eng..,Eng. in Telecommunications Eng. , Eng. inMechanical & Manufacturing Eng. , Eng. inEnvironmental Eng. & Management, Eng. inIndustrial Management, and Eng. inAutomobile Eng.)4 yrs 1,050,000Bachelor of Science (Building Economics,Surveying & Land Information Systems)4 yrs 1,050,000=Bachelor of Science in Land Economics 4 yrs 1,260,000=Bachelor of Vocational Studies withEducation Technological Studies3 yrs 700,000Higher Diploma in. (Civil, Electrical,Mechanical) Engineering.2 yrs 483,000=Diploma in (Civil, Mechanical, Refrigeration,Water, Architecture, Automobile, &Computer) Engineering.2 yrs 483,000=Certificate in( Electrical Installation or Radio 2...

ICT Coordinator Job Vacancy In Uganda

Job Title: ICT Coordinator Specific responsibilities: - Oversee and manage the company’s database to ensure its security, confidentiality and integrity. - Ensure staff compliance with IT security policy and standards. - Ensure accurate and timely reports are output as appropriate. - Coordinate and provide leadership for new system development and implementation of current system enhancements. - Review, evaluate and develop proposals for new hardware/software upgrades as appropriate. - Develop ICT strategy for development and ensure its implementation. - Conduct appraisals for subordinate staff in ICT department. - Participate in the recruitment process of staff in the ICT department. Academic qualifications and...

Uganda Christian University (UCU) Fees (Tution) Structure

Bachelor of Administrative and Secretarial Studies 744,000Bachelor of Argricultural Science & Entreprenuership 1,038,000Bachelor of Arts /Science with Education 744,000 684Bachelor of Arts in Community Leadership & Dev't 744,000Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications 980,000Bachelor of Business Administration 744,000Bachelor of Business Computing 803,000Bachelor of Child Development & Child Ministry 744,000Bachelor of Community Health 980,000Bachelor of Computational Science 1,038,000Bachelor of Development Studies 744,000684Bachelor of Divinity 744,000Bachelor of Economics and Management 744,000Bachelor of Education 568,000Bachelor of Environmental Sciences 1,038,000Bachelor of Industrial Fine Art & Design 803 000PROGRAMME803,000 Bachelor of Laws 1,038,000Bachelor of Nursing...

Gulu University

Legal, Institutional, and Policy Framework Gulu University is an urban-rural-based academic institution of higher learning that is situated within conflict-prone Northern Uganda, and amidst war-devastated communities.From the socio-political and economic perspectives, the University’s establishment was issue-based and demand-driven. It was intended to, inter alia, address the problem of imbalances of location of institutions of higher learning, and expand access to higher education for the rapidly increasing number of children passing through the Universal Primary Education (UPE) and the Uganda Post-Primary Education and Training (UPET) or the Universal Secondary Education programmes. From the onset, the main aim of the University has been to provide high-level appropriate education, research...

Gulu University Fees (Tution) Structure)

1.0 FEE FOR PRIVATELY SPONSORED UGANDAN STUDENTS1.1 General Charges1.1.1 Registration per semester UGX 30,000=1.1.2 Late registration after two weeks 20,000=1.1.3 Late registration after four weeks 50,000=1.1.4 Examination fee per semester 80,000=1.1.5 UNSA fee per annum 900=1.1.6 Identity card (once) 10,000=1.1.7 Sports fee (per semester) 15,000=1.1.8 University rules book (once) 1,000=1.1.9 Capital Development (once) 30,100=1.1.10 Re-examination per paper 6,000=1.1.11 Medical examination (1st semester) 15,000=1.1.12 Medical fee per semester 10,000=1.1.13 Library user fee per semester 20,000=1.1.14 Guild fee per semester 30,000=1.1.15 School practice fee (per annum) for education students 95,000=1.2 Tuition Fees (Undergraduate) per semester1.2.1 Bachelor of Business Administration UGX 650,000=1.2.2...

Gulu University Fees Payment Policy

Fees Payment Policy PDF Print E-mailStudents are encouraged to pay all their fees to the bank immediately upon arrival for the first semester. Fees are payable in any branch of Centenary Bank using the offical paying-in slip provided by the University. Paying-in slips can be collected from the respective faculties or institutes. Details of the fees to be paid by government sponsored students and privately sponsored students are contained in the admission documents and are as follows: * 40% within the first 3 weeks from the beginning of the semester; * 60% by the end of the 8th week of the semester; and * 100% by the end of the 12th week of the semester.All other (functional) fees must however be paid in full by every student at the beginning of the semester.In order to...

Gulu University Examinations Procedure

Examinations RegulationsInstruction to Candidates 1. A Candidate shall be informed of the dates and the times of examinations by means of the timetable and notices on the Notice Board, published at least one month before the date of commencement of examinations. 2. It shall be the responsibility of each candidate to take note of the date(s) and time(s) of the examination(s) for which he/she is registered. 3. Should there be a change in the timetable for en examination after it is published: a) Such a change shall be communicated to the candidate(s) by means of additional notices on the University Notice Board, Radio etc; and b) No Candidates shall be informed individually of time table changes. 4. Candidates shall be checked thoroughly before they enter examination rooms....

Gulu University Graduation List

The Academic Registrar Gulu University informs all those who completed their studies from Gulu University that the fifth graduation will be held on 23rd January 2010 at the University Campus. Each graduand is required to pay the following fees:Convocation - 10,000/=Graduation - 30,000/=Transcript - 10,000/=Certificate - 10,000/=Total - 60,000/=Payments should be made to Centenary Bank in the following account:Account Name: Gulu University Academic Registrar, Account No.7510500423 by 9th January 2009.Graduation gowns will be available at the University for hire at the following rates:Degree graduands - 70,000/=Postgraduate Diploma graduands - 55,000/=Ordinary Diploma graduands - 55,000/=Certificates graduands - 45,000/= When the gown is returned in good condition within fourteen days from...

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