REF.NO: DSC/156/08/2010
Person Specifications:
* MBChB or its equivalent from a recognized University/Institution.
* Must be registered with Medical and Dental Practitioners Council.
Key activities:
* Participating in diagnosis, treatment and proper management of patients.
* Managing and accounting for allocated resources.
* Liaising with other cadres in the delivery of quality health care Jo patients.
* Reviewing and evaluating patients undergoing treatment.
* Adhering to professional Code of Conduct and Ethics.
* Promoting public health practices in the community.
* Participating in research activities and health data collection."
* Compiling and submitting periodic reports.
* Participate in community outreaches, student education, nutrition, and women's health initiatives among others projects as supported by Doctors for Global Health.
The application forms are obtainable from the Public Service Commission Offices, Farmers' House, 2nd Floor, Kampala and also from District Service Commission Offices. Handwritten appli¬cations are also acceptable.
Applications should bear the title of the post and reference number specified against the vacancy. Applicants should attach a set of 3 photocopies of their certificates plus 3 recent certified pass-port size photographs. Those already in service should route their applications through their Heads of Department who should be informed of the closing date to avoid delay.
Dedline: 19/8/2010
REF.NO: DSC/156/08/2010
Person Specifications:
* MBChB or its equivalent from a recognized University/Institution.
* Must be registered with Medical and Dental Practitioners Council.
Key activities:
* Participating in diagnosis, treatment and proper management of patients.
* Managing and accounting for allocated resources.
* Liaising with other cadres in the delivery of quality health care Jo patients.
* Reviewing and evaluating patients undergoing treatment.
* Adhering to professional Code of Conduct and Ethics.
* Promoting public health practices in the community.
* Participating in research activities and health data collection."
* Compiling and submitting periodic reports.
* Participate in community outreaches, student education, nutrition, and women's health initiatives among others projects as supported by Doctors for Global Health.
The application forms are obtainable from the Public Service Commission Offices, Farmers' House, 2nd Floor, Kampala and also from District Service Commission Offices. Handwritten appli¬cations are also acceptable.
Applications should bear the title of the post and reference number specified against the vacancy. Applicants should attach a set of 3 photocopies of their certificates plus 3 recent certified pass-port size photographs. Those already in service should route their applications through their Heads of Department who should be informed of the closing date to avoid delay.
Dedline: 19/8/2010