
Jobs at Uganda Christian University UCU - Deputy Vice Chancellor

Job Title: Deputy  Vice  Chancellor
Uganda  Christian  University UCU  , a private  institution  founded in  1997  by  the  Province  of the  Church  of Uganda .
•    Must be  a person  of strong faith    and integrity , a  committed Christian  and member  of the Church  of Uganda  or of  the  Anglican  Communion  Churches  in fellowship  with the  Church of Uganda .
•    Should  preferably  have at least  twelve  years progressive  experience  in finance  and  management  positions  at a  senior  level
•    Strong  team leadership skills  and demonstratable  knowledge  of   strategic  planning ;
•    Excellent verbal  /written  communication  skills
•    Knowledge  of national  laws  and policies  in education ;
Job Description
•    Reports to the  Vice  Chancellor;
•    Secretary  to the  Council  and its  Boards;
•    Keep  and maintain  inventory  of all  University  assets
•    Keep and maintain  all types  of  University  Insurances
•    Any other  duties  as may be  prescribed by the  Vice  Chancellor in the  advancement  of the  University .

How to apply
Send  your application  letter  clearly  demonstrating  suitably  together  with  updated  Curriculum  Vitae /Resume  and the  vision  for the  position  applied  for together  with three  references.
The  Secretary
Search  Committee   for  position  of Deputy  Vice Chancellor
Uganda  Christian  University
Pilkington Building
P. O. Box  4, Mukono

Deadline: 26 /06 /2013


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