Kyambogo University Government Scholarships Cut off points
Course and Points
Scie. Building Economics 47
Industrial Eng. & Mgt 48.4
Scie. Human Nutrition & Dietetics 45.5
Environment scie. Tech & Mgt 43.1
Scie. Technology (chemistry) 31.4
Scie. Technology (Biology) 32.1
Scie. Technology (Physics) 36.5
Eng. In Environmental Eng. 45.6
Scie. with Educ. 41.7
Eng. in Environmental Eng. 45.6
Voc. Studies in Agriculture with Educ 36.3
Voc. Studies in Tech. studies with Educ 39.6
Educ. In Voc Studies (Home Economics) 39.4
Procurement & Logistics mgt 47.6
Business studies 45.2
Scie. Textile & Clothing Technology 44.8
Scie. Accounting &Finance 47
Arts in Economics 47
Micro Finance 47.2
Business with Educ. 39.7
Guidance and counseling 53.3
Administrative and secretarial scie. 46.9
Art and industrial design 44.8
Voc. Studies in art & Design with educ 31.8
Scie. sports and leisure mgt 49.6
Eng. in Telecommunication Eng. 51.4
Eng. in civil and building Eng. 51
Scie. Food processing technology 41.3
Eng. in mechanical and manufacturing Eng. 49.3
Information technology and computing 47.1
Eng in automotive & power Engineering 48.3
Science surveying & land info. Systems 48.6
Scie. Land economics 48.2
Economics & statistics 49.7
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