
Jobs at District Local Government in Uganda - Plant Operator

Job Title:  Plant Operator
The   Gomba  District  Local  Government  is seeking  to recruit  qualified applicants  for the vacant post above.

Key Functions
•    Carrying out  basic  maintenance  , minor repairs  and cleanliness of machines;
•    Identifying  and reporting  major technical  mechanical faults to the  supervising  officer;
•    Maintaining  basic records  regarding  machines   as instructed
•    Ensuring  safety  of  machines while on duty.

•    An  Ordinary level certificate   with a  Motor Vehicle  Mechanic  certificate from a recognized  institution.

How to apply
Applications  are invited  from suitable  qualified  Ugandans  to fill  the above  vacant post  which exists  in Gomba  District Local Government . Applications  in  triplicate  should be addressed  and submitted to The secretary  District  Services  Commission  Gomba   P. O. Box  76, Mpingi.
Forms  can be obtained  from public  service  commission ‘s offices at farmers  House Kampala or Secretariat of any District.

Deadline: 02 /04/ 2013


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