
Accounts Assistant Job Vacancy at Masindi District Local Government in Uganda

Job Title: Senior Accounts Assistant
Masindi District Local Government is recruiting qualified  candidates  for the vacant position .
•    A minimum of  a diploma  in Accounting  or  Financial  Management  or Business  Studies /Administration from  recognized  awarding institution .
•    Or a pre-professional Accounting qualification (ATC or  CAT ) awarded from a  recognized  institution and  accredited by the institute of Public Accountants  of Uganda  (ICPAU)
•    Providing  custody  for accounting  records and  documents
•    Professing deferred tax payments  and  returns  and keeping records thereof.
•    Posting financial  transactions ,cash  books, and subsidiary ledgers to general  ledger and updating  books of accounts
•    Preparing pay change  report forms  and  reconciling  payroll transaction reports
•    Entering  transactions into the commitment  control register
•     Providing  custody  of cash  and  imprest and effecting  payments
•    Preparing  draft  monthly reconciliation reports

How to apply
Applications  should  be submitted  in  triplicate  on public      service  form  No.3  (Revised  2008)  to the  Secretary  District  Service  Commission , P. O. Box  67,  Masindi 
The application  forms  are obtainable  from  Public  Service  Commission  Office, 2nd  floor  Farmers House , Parliament  Avenue , Kampala and  District  Service Commission offices .
Applicants  should attach  three sets  of certified  Photocopies of their  academic  certificates , slips  and other  relevant  documents  plus  3 recent  passport  size  photographs.  Original  documents  should  not be  sent  at this  stage .
The applications must bear the title of the post applied  for as well as the  reference  number  specified  against the  vacancy .
Applicants  already  in service  should  route  their  applications  through their  heads  of departments  who  must be  informed  of the  closing  date to avoid  delay.

Deadline:  19 / 07 / 2013


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