
Procurement and IT Coordinator Jobs Vacancy in Uganda

Job Title: Procurement and IT Coordinator Overview
Educate. Works to  transform the education system in Uganda  to prepare  youth  to be  leaders  and  enterprenuership initiative , create small  businesses,  and improve  livelihoods  for  themselves and their  communities .
•    Management  of Educate , Procurement   and  Logistics :  Manage  Educate’s  procurement , inventory  and equivalent .
•    Information  Technology  Management ;  Manage Educate, Information  and  Communication  Technology equipment  and  systems.
•    Office  and Facilities  Management ; Ensure that a safe , secure , clean and  healthy environment  is maintained  at both  the  Educate Office  and residential facilities .
Cultural  Values
•    Energetic  and entrepreneurial motivation  for high achievement
•    Strong  project  management  , system –building  and data analysis  skills
•    Passionate to spend  his/her life  helping  youth  and work  with  youthful  people to make  the  World  a better  place .
•    Strong  ability  to communicate with  diverse  groups , keep  stakeholders informed , & foster mutual  respect .

How to apply
Applications will be  reviewed on a rolling basis,  with  goal  to fill position  ASAP.  To  apply, please  email a CV  , cover letter, list  of  references with  subject  header M&E Operations Manager-Your  Name-How  You  Found  the  Job  to

Deadline: 25/ 06 /2013


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