
Line Surveyors Jobs Opportunities at BGP Uganda

Job Title: Line   Surveyors
BGP  Uganda (Registered  Name :  Oriental  Geographical  Uganda  is to  conduct  seismic acquisition services in block  EA -1 and  EA-1A  in east Nile  as part  of a joint  Government  of Uganda  and Total  E&P  (operator)  Tullow  oil operations pty Ltd and CNOOC Uganda  limited  operations  .

Experience and Education
•    Bachelors  degree  in geophysical  surveying
•    5 years  experience  in oil  and gas  operations

How to apply
Only  individuals  may  apply for  this position  and should  have an  interest  in working  with the company .  Applicants should submit their necessary documents   including  testimonials  and relevant certificates  and transcripts  plus three professional  referees   .
Applications   should be brought  to office  before the  closing date  with  every   relevant  document needed .
Applications  by  email  only :

Deadline:  01 /08 /2013


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