
Driver Jobs at Kiboga District Local Government in Uganda

Job Title: Driver
Kiboga  District Local Government  is  inviting  qualified applicants  for the vacant post above.
Key Functions
•    Driving vehicles  for  official duty and assignments
•    Carrying  out  basic maintenance  and cleaniliness of the  vehicle ;
•    Reporting major  technical mechanical  faults to the  supervising officer
•    Maintaining basic records  regarding  the vehicles as instructed and
•    Ensuring  the safety of the  vehicle  while on duty
•    Uganda  Certificate  of Education  with a pass in English  Language .
•    Valid  Driving  Permit Class C or D.

How to apply
Applications should be submitted  in triplicate on  Public Service  Commission  Form 3 (Revised, 2008) to the Secretary, Kiboga  District  Service  Commission  P. O. Box  1, Kiboga. The application forms are obtainable  from the District  Service Commissions  offices through Uganda  or Public Service  Commission  each of the three  application forms or hand written  application letters  ,certified  photocopies of their academic  certificates and  testimonials , professional  registration  certificates  plus three  of their  recent  passport  size photographs .

Deadline: 03 /05 /2013


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