
Electrical Engineer Jobs at Mayuge Sugar Industries Limited in Uganda

Job Title: Electrical  Engineer

Mayuge  Sugar   Industries  Limited is the fastest  developing  manufacturer of  Sulphurless Sugar in East  Africa  based in  Uganda . The  organization  is  engaged  in the  manufacturing  of the Nile  Sugar  and  soon  starting  the manufacturing of  Extra  Neutral Alcohol .

•    B.E  . OR  Diploma  in  electrical
•    10-15  years  industrial experience

How to apply
Applications   and the necessary  requirements  should be brought  with three  professional referees  including their  telephone and contact details   using the following address below; Walk in  interview on Wednesday.
Mayuge  Sugar  Industries  Limited 
Plot  No.  88, Bunya
Lugolole,  Mr.  Musita , Mayuge  District

Deadline: 15 / 05 / 2013


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