
Accounts Assistant Job Vacancy at Sugar Corporation of Uganda Limited

Job Title:  Accounts  Assistant
Sugar  Corporation of Uganda  Limited  is part  of  Mehta Group  of Companies .
•    B-Com  or BBA  in Accounting    and  Finance .
•    Experience :  At least  3-5  years  in Manufacturing  or  trading  organization  .
•    Competencies  ; Must  be conversant  with  maintenance  of all  books  of accounts  in any  of the  accounting  packages  preferably  in Tally .
•    Preparing  MIS  for  presenting  to management .
•    Preparation of  balance  sheet  every  quarter /half  year
•    Attending  to Auditors
•    Remunerations :  Very  attractive  depending on qualification  and  experience  .

How to apply
Handwritten  application  with a  detailed  CV  and  photocopies  of  Academic  Certificates /Testimonials  , names  and address  of two  referees  , letter  of recommendation  from   the  previous  employer  and telephone  contact  should  be submitted  by post  or  direct delivery  to the  following address  within  10 days  from the  date  of this  advertisement 
The  Dy . G.M  Human  Resources  ,
Sugar  Corporation of Uganda  Ltd 
P. O. Box  1 –Lugazi

Deadline:     14/ 08 /2013


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