
Tutors Job Vacancy at CUAM Uganda

Job Title:  Tutors
Doctors  with  Africa  CUAMM  is supporting  a midwifery  training  school in Lui  Sudan  as  One  component  of  strengthening  health  systems
•    Qualified  midwifery  Tutor  or
•    Diploma  as Registered  Midwife  (as  minimum )
•    At  least  2 years  of working  experience  as  Midwife 
•    Previous  experience  as  Tutor in Health  Training  Institute  , inclusive  of 
•    Holding  theoretical  lectures  in line  with  curriculum  approved by the MoH
•    Supporting  students  in the  different  phases  of the  learning  process
•    Speaking  , writing  and reading  English
•    Speaking  Arabic  language  desirable
•    Proficient  in Microsoft  Office
Compulsory   Criteria
•    Interest  in humanitarian  aid   coorperation 
•    Willingness , team  spirit  , assertiveness,  good  manners , coolness;   adaptability  to the  work  on the  field .
How to apply
Send  electronic  copies  of application letter , CV  with  contactable  referees , academic  certificates to  with  subject  heading   Sudan Midwife  or deliver  them  to  CUAM  office  in Kansanga  Gabba  Road . Apply to  the  Country  Respresentative .
Phonre:  0414267508/585
Deadline: 08 /11 /3013


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