
Local Senior Technical Adviser (LSTA) Job In Uganda

Job Title: Local Senior Technical Adviser (LSTA)



The Office of the Prime Minister is constitutionally mandated to lead Government business, and ensure coordination and implementation of policies and programmes across ministries, departments and agencies. OPM has illustrated its intention to play this role vigorously to enhance service delivery and ensure Government is accountable.

Within Government and indeed the OPM, there is a growing recognition that the national capacity development for monitoring and evaluation is an essential part of the broader support to policy reform and to promoting national ownership of evidence –based policy making.

Much progress has been made over the past two years in improving the generation and application of data in decision making, both in terms of financial and non-financial information. The combined efforts of UBOS, MOFPED and OPM, with the Development Partners, have strengthened the selection of indicators, improved data quality in some areas, and enhanced the quality of reporting to policy makers, as a basis for holding MDAs accountable and to improve decision making. However, much remains to be done to improve the quality of performance measurement, data quality, the quality and timeliness of review reports, harmonizing data streams and reducing reporting burden on MDAs, improving oversight and evaluation.

To strengthen further the basis for evidence-based decision-making, enhance accountability and public service delivery, the OPM plans to undertake the following specific interventions over the next three years -2010-2013:

1.1 Monitoring

Progress has been made by MOFPED in establishing a comprehensive system of accountability for spending in line with the annual Budget Framework Papers (BFPs). Quarterly reporting by all MDAs and Local Governments (LoGs) to MOFPED on outputs and spending provides the basis for that accountability.

In addressing the gap at the strategic level (outputs-outcomes), the OPM has introduced a sector-wide reporting system, focusing on defining key indicators at the sector level derived from Sector Strategic Plans and annual BFPs. This requires each Sector Working Group (SWG) to report quarterly, deriving key performance data from the contributory MDAs. In turn, OPM produces six-monthly performance reports to Cabinet based on these data. Together with the half-year and annual budget performance reports produced by MOFPED, the data generated is of great potential use to Government to enhance decision making and accountability.

However, the sector-wide reporting system is still in its infancy and needs to be strengthened in terms of data and analytical quality and timeliness. It has recently (FY2009/10) been expanded to incorporate indicators and actions agreed to under the Joint Assessment Framework (JAF) of the joint budget support provided by Development Partners. It also needs to be harmonized with other systems in Government to reduce the burden on sectors. Hence, to continue to gather data, quality assure, analyze, draft and present Government performance reports, whilst increasing the quality and timeliness, will require support beyond the current capacity of OPM.

1.1.1 Improving indicator quality and associated data collection mechanisms

Efforts to improve the relevance and quality of performance indicators have been ongoing in Government and with support from Development Partners. Indicator profiling on the measures in the JAF sectors was done in 2009. This work has been expanded under the existing DFID financing to OPM to include key indicators in the non-JAF sectors (12 in total). This profiling work will include the specific costed work plans in each sector to identify what needs to be done to strength data collection, validation and analysis to ensure quality data on key performance indicators over the coming years.

1.1.2 Establishing Information Technology platform, integration with MOFPED

Currently, the quarterly sector reporting to OPM is paper-based. This reporting mechanism needs to be systematized electronically, and if possible harmonized with existing reporting by MDAs and LoGs to MOFPED. The latter does raise issues of equal access to data and information, and respective roles and responsibilities which need to be resolved. In principle, the latter issue on roles vis-à-vis reporting has been clarified, but issue of data streams and access has yet to be discussed.

1.1.3 Rolling out barazas

The implementation of the Presidential directive on establishing sub-country level public fora (known as ‘barazas’) which give citizens opportunity tomonitor and discuss local level service delivery was carried out through a pilot initiative led by OPM during FY2009/10. The pilot has been seen to be effective, with the report discussed in the February 2010 Cabinet retreat. It is expected that the baraza initiative will be rolled-out to cover more districts during FY2010/11 onwards.

1.1.4 Ensuring performance measurement links to accountability and learning systems

An increasing amount of data and information is being gathered, processed and reported through the sector systems, through the regular meetings of the national coordination mechanism, evaluations and the forthcoming barazainitative. It is critical that information that can be used for accountability purposes is clearly identified, transmitted, used and followed-up. Likewise, for learning purposes, systems need to be in place to ensure that recommendations are followed through and followed-up.

This will involve drawing together the institutions of the public sector management (PSM) and accountability working groups.

1.2 Evaluation

1.2.1 Establishing an evaluation fund and a rolling national evaluation agenda

Government requires regular evaluation of major public policies and programmes to inform progress and policy choices. To do so, OPM will take the lead on establishing a rolling national evaluation agenda, to be developed and discussed in relevant policy committees. To finance these evaluations, an evaluation fund will be established, initially to conduct two major evaluations per annum, but scaling up as capacity develops.Also criticalis developing the national evaluation standards to guide evaluations and quality assurance processes, and to develop a roster of suitable consultants to conduct the evaluations. Equally important is the training which will be required for OPM and other MDA staff on the design, management and dissemination of evaluations. The actual conduct of evaluations will be carried out by consultants. An on-line database will be required to store all evaluation reports, with summaries of findings and recommendations, the action plans and tracking system on follow-up.

1.3 Policy and Capacity

1.3.1 Establish national M&E policy

A national M&E policy is being developed. A policy paper has been drafted and discussed at a national workshop, and the first draft of the policy is being developed. The policy will focus on the roles, responsibilities and specific requirements of MDAs, LoGs and other stakeholders in the functions of M&E, thus help clarify existing mandates and provide a foundation for improved, comprehensive M&E. There is still need to widen the consultation process on the draft policy to include Parliament, NGOs, development partners, MDAs and finally present it to Cabinet for approval and dissemination.

1.3.2 Ensure functioning intra-Governmental committee or working group

The national M&E technical working group brings together stakeholders from Government, DPs, NGOs and research institutions to formulate, guide, implement and monitor national M&E interventions. The TWG has had mixed success due to variances in attendance, and the difficulties of engaging members in activities outside of the WG meetings. However, sub-committees of the WG have been active, with the PEAP Evaluation, Baraza and other sub-committees working well.

The TWG/ Committee will require continued support to hold its two-monthly meetings, and to facilitate the sub-committees.


The Directorate of Policy Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation is increasingly playing a critical role in enhancing the public sector’s performance through better coordination of policies and interventions, the production of cross-Government reviews and evaluations, and the follow-up on actions and recommendations with Cabinet. This includes the coordination and review of general budget support operations of Development Partners.

However, the current structure of the Directorate does not provide the optimal basis upon which to effectively manage these varied, but inter-related responsibilities. The weakness in the current structure pertains to the need for the Directorate to effectively reach out to the sectors of Government, both to improve the coordination around inter-sectoral performance issues (e.g. school drop out rates, sanitation, drug stock outs, absenteeism etc), and to ensure that sector performance is adequately monitored, and with feedback provided to the sectors. The current structure and numbers of personnel does not provide for a cadre of staff to liaise with the sixteen sectors of Government, unlike the MOFPED which employs a sector desk officer system to liaise on budget formulation and monitoring.

Therefore, as OPM and the Directorate seeks to expand its work in monitoring, through the sector-wide reporting system, the rolling out of sub-country barazas, and expanding the evaluation function to systematically assess Government’s performance, so, also, its capacity needs strengtheningto cope with the work.


To strengthen the technical and analytical capacity of OPM to better and efficiently handle its mandate of coordinating and assessing how Government is delivering its services to its citizens and providing evidence base for decision- making.

3.1 Specific Objectives:

1. Lead on producing six-monthly and annual Government performance reports to Cabinet as a basis for decision making

2. Provide technical assistance in coordinating the Joint Assessment Framework (JAF) monitoring of the joint budget support donors

3. Provide technical assistance for roll- out baraza initiative to more Districts in the country

4. Strengthen the evaluation function in Government through providing TA to evaluation sub-committee

5. Provide on-the-job training and capacity building support to staff and researchers in OPM in conducting their tasks

3.2 Scope:

The LSTA will work closely with the Directorate of Policy Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation to achieve the following tasks:

1. Produce six-monthly and annual Government performance reports, including JAF programme, to Cabinet to hold MDAs accountable and also take appropriate decisions

2. Establish the evaluation fund and develop the national evaluation standards to guide evaluations and quality assurance processes, and develop a roster of suitable consultants to conduct the evaluationsfunction in Government

3. Carry out the necessary consultations to finalize the development and dissemination of the National M&E Policy

4. Organize and service Cabinet Retreats periodically, a forumwhere Government performance is discussed and specific decisions taken.

5. Integrate of JAF programme in Government systems and ensure JAF indicators and actions reflect Government priorities

6. Prepare Cabinet Memos and other technical papers relating to Government performance, including JAF and PRSC programmes

7. Engage the sectors to strengthen their data collection, validation and analysis to ensure quality data on key performance indicators in light of the indicator profiling work being conducted

8. Develop guidelines and coordinate the conduct and roll- out of the Baraza initiative to cover more Districts in the country

9. Carry out the necessary consultations to finalize the development and dissemination of the Partnership Policy

3.3 LSTA’s specific tasks:

TheLSTA will perform the following specific tasks:

1. Coordinate the analysis of data and writing of the six-monthly and annual Government performance reports

2. Prepare Cabinet Memos relating to Government performance, JAF and PRSC programmes

3. ChairTechnical meetings to discuss Government performance reports, including JAF programme

4. Provide support in the organization of Cabinet Retreats in which Government performance is discussed and specific decisions taken.

5. Coordinate the conduct and roll-out of Baraza initiative

6. Coordinate the consultation process necessary to finalize the development and dissemination of the National M&E policy

7. Coordinate the implementation of the activities necessary to strengthen the national evaluation agenda

8. Coordinate the consultation process for the development of the Partnership policy and preparation of the relevant Cabinet papers for its approval

9. Produce periodic briefs (at least 6 monthly) to the Permanent Secretary/OPM on the progress with respect to strengthening evidence- based decision making programme

3.3 Outputs:

The following specific outputs will be delivered:

Six- monthly and annual Government performance reports, including JAF programme
Baraza initiative reports twice a year
Cabinet Memos on Government performance, including JAF and PRSC, and baraza initiative
Technical papers for the Cabinet retreat
Strategy paper on implementation of National M&E policy
Cabinet retreats twice a year
National M&E policy
National Partnership policy
Evaluation fund, standards and a roster of suitable consultants, and at least 2 evaluation reports of important national policies.
Periodic briefs to PS/OPM on the progress of the evidence- based programme


The LSTA will:

· Have a minimum of a masters degree in public policy, economics or related social or natural science. The LSTA should
· Have at least 15 years experience of working within the Government of Uganda on policy, planning, coordination, monitoring and evaluation.
· Be able to demonstrate knowledge and experience of current trends in monitoring and evaluation within Uganda and globally.
· Have proven English language writing and editorial skills
· Have strong relationships with key actors across the Government of Uganda


The Local STA will work under the supervision of the Ag. Director for Policy Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation and will work in close collaboration with the staff of the directorate and other departments of OPM.

Duration: 24 months: 1stJuly 2011- 30 June 2013

If you believe you have the relevant qualifications and experience, please send your application to the address below not later than 4.00 p.m, Monday 9th May 2011. Provide a detailed CV demonstrating possession of the job requirements, current position, names and addresses of three referees, copies of professional/Academic documents, email address, and day time telephone contact.

NB: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted


PILA Consultants,

P.O. Box 9092, Kampala

Plot 649 Nanfumbambi Road, KikoniMakerere West

Tel: +256-312 275 892, Mob: +256-779-291617



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