
Jobs at Save the Children in Uganda- Field Extension Officers

Job Title: Field  Extension Officers

Save  the Children  is the  World’s leading  independent  organization  for children and has  program  presence  in over  120 countries  in the world. Save the Children  envisions  a Uganda in which every  child attains  the right to survival, protection ,development  and participation.

Person Specifications
•    A minimum of a Diploma  in Education or  Grade  111 Certificate, Development  studies, (teaching  experience is  a must  for the candidate).
•    At least two years  work experience  with  good understanding  of Community  Education,, literacy  and training  skills , particulary  about  Education Modules and literacy skills
•    Understanding of lower  local  Government  policies on  child issues and  how to contribute to their development  with  sensitivity  and  diplomacy, based on  the  CRM.
•    Highly developed  cultural  awareness  and ability to work  well in an international  environment  with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures

How to apply
Application letters  with detailed CVs  indicating  3 referees, two of whom should have  been direct supervisors  should be submitted to ;
The Director  of Human  Resources & Administration
Save the Children
Plot  68/70, Kiira Road
P. O. Box 12018 Kampala

Deadline: 14th December 2012


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