
Family Tracing Officer Job Vacancy at Children Regional Office In Uganda

Job Title: Family Tracing Officer
Invisible Children  is a non-governmental  organization  dedicated to bringing  a permanent  end  to the  LRA  war  and improve  the quality  of life  of  LRA  affected  communities .
Principal Functions
•    Provide  content  for  FM  stations  across  the  region by gathering  defection  messages  from  family   members of current  LRA members  across  northern  Uganda
•    Take  photos of  returnees safely at home  with their  families  for use on  Invisible  Children  defection  fliers and for  external   communications by  IC HQ  or  other  IC  offices .
•    Provide  family  tracing  support  for key  individuals  within  the  LRA;  establish  a relationship with  needed  stakeholders  and  utilize  them  for defection messaging content
Desired  Qualifications
•    The  candidate should have  a Bachelor’s  degree  in Social  Sciences  or in  communications  related  disciplines.
•    Excellent  communications  and  analytical  skills  are  essential
•    At least  minimum  of  3 years  experience  in  similar  assignments
•    Fluency  in Luo  is relevant  to the  assignment .
How to apply
Interested  candidates  should  submit their  application letters  , a detailed  CV  and  a  one-page  motivation letter to;
Regional  HR and  Admin . Manager  -Invisible
Children  Regional  Office
Kampala Office ; Plot  24 Bazarabusa  Rise,
Bugolobi  Kampala
Gulu Office: Plot 101 Acholi Road  , Pece Gulu
Deadline: 20 /09 /2013


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