
Jobs at Baylor College of Medicine Children’s Foundation - Quality Officer

Job Title:  Quality Improvement Officer
The  Baylor College of Medicine Children’s Foundation –Uganda  headquartered at  Mulago hospital , is a comprehensive  HIV/AIDS  care and  treatment  organization that  supports  the treatment  and care of  HIV  infected  and affected  Children and Adults.

Key Result Areas
•    Build  capacity of Health professionals  in Continuous   quality line  Improvement in  Baylor supported  districts /health  facilities to promote Ql awareness  through  trainings, mentorships and  support  supervision in  line  with  the  CQI mission
•    Develop a strategy  to align with  QJ initiative  in supporting  MoH in the accreditation  of facilities in the region  for ART  and MNH standard service deliveries  as well as obstetric  cases in line with  MoH  Standard  service  deliveries as well  as obstetric  cases in line with  MoH  guidelines  for QL
•    An   M.B.Ch.B   and registered  with the Uganda Medical and  Dental Practitioners  Council,with certificates in  quality improvement .
•    2 years  of experience in managing  HIV/AIDS care and treatment  program/projects with a reputable  international NGO , and direct experience with government  and donor representatives
•    At least three years  of experience in quality  improvement approaches  and traning clinical service providers

How to apply
If you have relevant qualifications and experience ,please send  your application to the address below;
The Human  Resource Manager,
Baylor  College  of  Medicine  Children’s Foundation –Uganda
Block 5 Mulago Hospital , P. O. Box  72052
Clock Tower , Kampala
Tel:+256 -417-119200/100

Deadline: 18/03/2013


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