
Internal Auditor Jobs at Ministry of Water and Environment in Uganda

Job Title:  Internal Auditor
Ministry of Water and Environment  is inviting  suitable candidates  to fill the vacant position above .
•    To  examine  correctness  of financial  records and  completeness  of  documentation
•    To verify  receipts ,  match  and  undertake on line  reconciliation of invoices  and Local  Purchase  Orders for goods  and services  procured  prior to effecting payments
•    To  review the completion  of accountability returns , verify  and retire advance ledgers
•    To review  periodic  Bank  reconciliations
•    To verify  payroll  change  requests and reports  to  ensure  correctness  of  computations, payments  and  deductions, certify and follow  -up approval and  payment  to beneficiaries  .

•    An  Honors  Bachelors  degree in Finance and Accounting  or
•    Full professional  qualification  in Accountancy  or  equivalent  professional qualification awarded by  an  Institution  recognized  by  IFAC.
•    A minimum   of three  years experience  as an  Accounts  Assistant in  Government , or  an equivalent  level of experience  in  Accounting  or  Internal  Audit   function from a reputable organization .

How to apply
All applications must be accompanied with recent CVs  detailing work experience , present position current remuneration , and professional  and education qualifications. Applicants must also include  contact details of three referees .
The Permanent  Secretary , Ministry  of Water and Environment , Old Prtbell Road , Luzira.
Attn: Head  Human  Resource Management .

Deadline: 03 /05 /2013


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