
HIV/AIDS Prevention Specialist Job Vacancy at The Mission of the Infectious Diseases Institute In Uganda

Job Title:  HIV/AIDS   Prevention   Specialist
The  Mission  of the  Infectious  Diseases  Institute   is to  strengthen  health  systems  in Africa  with  a strong  emphasis  on infectious  Diseases, through  research  and capacity  development .
Minimum   qualifications
•    Degree  in Nursing  or related  relevant  health  sciences  obtained  from  a recognized  institution
•    Additional  training  in a related  field  e.g  HIV/AIIDS   counseling  including  couple  counseling  and  PTIC  is essential 
•    Updated  registration  with the  relevant  Professional  Councils  in  Uganda
•    At  least  5 years  of practical  experience  in HIV  prevention  interventions  with some  time  spent  in busy  HIV  Care and  prevention  programs 
Required   Skills
•    Experience  in Institutional  capacity   especially  working  with  MoH  structures  and systems 
•    Experience  in  training  and mentoring  of health  professionals  in  HCT  and other HIV  prevention  approaches
•    Proven  experience  in supporting   health facilities  in setting  up HIV   testing  points , linkage and referral  systems for  audits  , pregnant  women  and Children  .
•    Ability   to complete  multiple  tasks  and high  volume  of work  on  deadline.
How to apply
Qualified  and interested   persons who  wish  to apply  may hand  -deliver , email  or post an application  letter  with a  detailed  CV,  naming  at least  two  or post  an application   letter with a  detailed CV , naming  at least  two  professional  referees  to;
The  Manager  , Human  Resources
Infectious  Diseases  Institute
College  of Health  Sciences,  Makerere  University 
Mulago Hospital  Complex,
P. O. Box  22418, Kampala
Deadline: 18 /10 /2013


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