
Accounts Assistant Jobs at Nakapiripirit District Service Commission in Uganda

Job Title: Accounts Assistant

Nakapiripirit   District  Service  Commission  is inviting  suitable  candidates  for the above  vacant position .
Key Functions
•    Preparing vouchers ;
•    Assigning   Invoice numbers to  transactions for  further processing ;
•    Recording data  and capturing  on the  system;
•    Providing information  on  Electronic Fund  Transfer and executing  payments  to  Beneficiaries ;
•    Preparing   payment advice form and  compiling returns  ; and
•    Posting vote  books and  subsidiary ledgers

•    A minimum of  a  Diploma  with  a bias  either in Accounting  or Financial  Management  or Business Studies  /Administration with  Accounting  and /or
•     Financial Management  as a subject obtained from a recognized  Institution .

How to apply
Applications  are invited  from suitably  qualified  candidates  to fill the  various vacant posts which exist in  Nakapiripirit District Local Government .
Applications  should  be  submitted  in triplicate on Public Service  Form No. 3 (Reised 2008) with three  recent passport  photographs and academic  papers, addressed to the Secretary  District Service  Commission, Nakapiripit.  Serving officers  MUST  route their  applications through their heads  of departments

Deadline: 03 /05 /2013


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