
Project Development Assistant Job Vacancy at USAID /Uganda

Job Title: Project Development Assistant
USAID  /Uganda  is  recruiting  a qualified  Ugandan  to fill the  position  mentioned  above.
•    Serves  to provide  administrative  and project support  to members  of the assigned  team  , up to  the  limits  of his /her training  and skill level .
•    This may include  assistance  with  administrative  tasks , management  , implementation  and  helping  direct  any of the   program/project  activities  within  the  teams .
•    A University  degree  in business  , business  administration  , economics  , finance  or a  similar  field  is required  .
•    Must  have  five years  of  substantive  administrative  experience .
•    Must  be  able  to develop and maintain  a range  of working –level  and management –level  contacts  on public  health related  topics , in  governmental , and  private-sector  circles .
•    Be able to work  effectively  in a team  environment and  coordinate well  with  others .
•    Excellent  office  management  skills  and  experience  are  required  in order  to support  the assigned  team  and  the  overall  Health  , HIV/AIDS and Education  Office  in developing  and  implementing  effective  USAID/Uganda  programs/projects, including  financial  and  administrative  skills sufficient  to track the performance  of implementing  partiners  and  program/project activities .
How to apply
Applicants must submit  a DS-174  form, a cover letter  and resume  with  references  expressing  interest  and attach  copies  of testimonials , certificates , etc. and send  to the  American Embassy,  HR office  , by  e-mail  :
Deadline: 30 /09 /2013


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