
Public Health Specialist ( Bio-security and Infrastructure) at US Mission In Uganda

Job Title: Public Health  Specialist ( Bio-security and Infrastructure)
 U. S. Mission  , Uganda  is  recruiting  qualified candidates  for the vacant position mentioned above .
•    Education  required  :  Completion  of a  bachelor’s  degree in Medical  Laboratory  Technology is  required  .Additional six  months hands-on  post-graduation training in a clinical  setting  is required  .Registration with the  Ministry of Health  Allied  Health  Professional  Council is required.
•    Work experience  required  . A minimum  of five  years working  in a clinical  laboratory   setting either  HIV/AIDS  health care or a national reference  laboratory  or research oriented facility  is required  of  which  three years  were  in implementing  or overseeing  laboratory   quality systems
•    Knowledge  required. Comprehensive  knowledge and  experience  in advanced  laboratory  medicine  is required  including  a  comprehensive  knowledge of procedures  for laboratory  diagnostics laboratory  informatics  and  associated technologies .Through  knowledge  of the  current  HIV/AIDS  national  and global  situation  is  required . Good  working knowledge  of the principles  of laboratory   management including  strategic planning  , personal management  and forecasting  and management   of procurement  supplies  and equipment  is required .
Selection Process
•    After  an initial  application  screening  applicants  will be  invited  to a  testing   process  that may  include  a  written  examination  and oral  interviews.
•    The  selected  candidate must pass pre-employment  medical  and  security  investigations  before  beginning  work  . The  initial  appointment  period  is one  year  , subject  to renewal .
•    Normally  candidates for  employment  are  hired  at the  first  step of the  designated per grade.  In some  instances  , candidates  may be  hired  at a  higher step  when  exceptional  qualifications  or  previous  governmental  service  and pay  level  so  warrant .
•    The  Human  Resources  Officer  will make  the decision  with  the concurrence of the employing section.
How to apply
Interested   candidates for  this  position  must  submit  the  following  for consideration of application ;
University  Application  for Employment  as a  Locally  Employed staff of Family  Member  , A current  resume  or curriculum vitae.
Candidates who claim  US  Veterans  preference   must provide  a copy of their  application . Candidates who  claim       conditional US  Veterans  preference  must submit  documentation  confirming eligibility  for a  cord national  preference  in hiring with their application. Any other documentation  that addresses the  qualifications requirements  of the  position  as  listed  above.
Submit  Application  to 
Human  Resources Office
By email  at
Deadline; 13 /09 /2013


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