
Project Coordinator Job Vacancy at The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation In Uganda

Job Title: Project Coordinator
The  Elizabeth  Glaser  Pediatric  AIDS  Foundation is  a  global  leader  in the  fight against  padiatric  HIV  and  AIDS , working in 18 countries  and  at a  4,700  sites around  the world.
•    Must  have   a Bachelor   of Medicine  and Bachelor  of Surgery  (MBChB)   degree  with  master  of  medicine  or  Public  Health
•    At least  5 years  experience  in HIV/AIDS implementation  , monitoring  and evaluation  , and  specifically  in prevention  of Mother  to Child  HIV  Transmission  Programs .
•    Must have  an excellent  grasp  of HIV/AIDS  current  knowledge  especially  on HIV/AIDS  treatment  and  elimination  of  mother to –child  transmission  of  HIV  current frame  work and national  strategies
•    Good  knowledge of  community  -based  structures and implementing   community based  HIV/AIDS programs

•    Knowledge  of the  functioning  of the  country’s  Ministry  of Health  and desentralised health  system
•    Experience  in developing  technical  documents  and reports 
•    A high  level  of proficiency  in  relevant  computer  applications , particulary  MS Office  and some  analytical  statistical  packages
•    Ability  to work well  with  others  and to  develop  and maintain  relationships  with project  staff  , district  leadership  and other  partiners 
How to apply
Elizabeth  Glasser  Pediatric  AIDS  Foundation  is  an  equal  opportunity  employer . All  qualified  individuals  are  welcome  to apply .  Please  send  cover  letter  and CV  to;
The  Country  Director  /COP
Elizabeth  Glasser  Pediatric  AIDS  Foundation  (EGPAF)
 Plot  18A  Kyadondo   Road , Nakasero
P. O. Box  21127, Kampala  , Uganda
Deadline: 18 /10 /2013


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