
Administrative Officer Job Vacancy at Save the Children In Uganda

Job Title: Administrative  Officer
Save the Children  is the  world’s  leading  independent  organization  for children   and  has  program  presence in over  120  countries  in the  world.
Job Purpose
•    Reporting  to the  Executive  Committee of the   Uganda  Parliamentary  Forum  for Children  , the  Administrative  Officer  will be  the overall  coordinator  of the  activities  of the  forum
•    This will involve  managing  the  Forums  secretariat , facilitating  planning , implementation and reporting processes  deriving from  the Forums  strategic  plan .
•    The  coordinator  will also  be responsible  for resource mobilization , establishing  and nurturing  relationships  between  UPFC  and  Child  Focused  actors , in and  out of  Government .
Academic background
•    A minimum  of a Bachelor’s   Degree  in Social  Work  and  Social  Administration , LLB, social  sciences  with  accrued  experience  in a  related  field .
•    At least  two  years  experience  in Social  Development  Work
•    Skills  and experience  in policy  and  budget  advocacy  targeting  the central  or Local  Governments  will be  an  added advantage
How to apply
Application  letters  with detailed  CV  indicating  3 referees, two of whom  should  have  been  direct  supervisors  should  be submitted  to;
The  Director  of Human  Resources  & Administration
Save  the  Children
Plot 68/70,  Kira  Road  , P. O. Box  12018, Kampala
Deadline: 04 /10 /2013


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