Job title: Consultant
Purpose and requisite professional expertise of the Consultancy:
The purpose of this consultancy is to lead a process of information generation, analysis and documentation; culminating into Uganda's first Alternative Report to the UN Committee of Experts on the implementation of the CRPD. A consultant must be knowledgeable in Human rights and disability, well versed with The CRPD, government and Civil Society reporting processes.
Scope of the Assignment:
The objectives of this consultancy are fourfold:
3.1. Document existing disability-focused legislation, policies and programs within Government, in the context of the CRPD.
3.2. Assess the extent to which existing legislation and policies have translated into programs, as well as the related achievements and impact thereof.
3.3. Find out the extent to which the work of NGOs and DPOs fits within the context of the CRPD.
3.4. Document the bottlenecks standing in the way of more effective domestication and implementation of the CRPD.
The Roles of the Consultant:
1. Conduct an Extensive Review of the State Report that will form the basis for Alternative Reporting.
2. Conduct the research in line with the objectives outlined.
3. Present the alternative draft report during the validation meeting
4. Develop position paper reflecting the emerging issues to be shared with the Committee on Persons with Disabilities.
5. Present 2 hard copies and a soft copy of the Alternative Report.
Duration and Activities of the Assignment: This consultancy is planned to kick off from October 2010. The consultancy shall last 25 working days broken down as follows: i) Review of relevant literature including but not limited to the Government of Uganda Report
ii) Collect data at district and national level
iii) Share CSO position report with civil society
During a Validation Meeting (ii) Develop position paper reflecting the emerging issues to be shared with the Committee on Persons with Disabilities
(iii) Write and submit the final research report
Apply for this job
If you think you are best suited to take up this assignment, send a technical and financial Proposal to:
The Executive Director,
National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda,
P. O. Box 8567, Kampala
E-mail: You can also make inquiries on
Tel: 4-256-414-540179,
Or visit
Deadline: 1st October, 2010
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